Sinus Medicine?!?!

Question: I'm going to the doctor tmmrw and i'm gonna mention to him that i seem to have acute sinusitis. But i cant take any over the counter medicine b/c they affect my Sinus Tachycardia and make my heart go crazy.

Does anyone know of any medicines that the doctor might give me tmmrw to help me out with my sinus. I get sinus b/c of Allergies so i'm hoping he'll give me something to help me out but i know i cant have any antihistamines b/c they make the heart rate go up sooooo IS THERE ANYTHING OUT THERE I CAN TAKE????? thanx!!!!!!!!!!

Answers: I'm going to the doctor tmmrw and i'm gonna mention to him that i seem to have acute sinusitis. But i cant take any over the counter medicine b/c they affect my Sinus Tachycardia and make my heart go crazy.

Does anyone know of any medicines that the doctor might give me tmmrw to help me out with my sinus. I get sinus b/c of Allergies so i'm hoping he'll give me something to help me out but i know i cant have any antihistamines b/c they make the heart rate go up sooooo IS THERE ANYTHING OUT THERE I CAN TAKE????? thanx!!!!!!!!!!

He will know of several medications you can take. Ask him about the over the counter ones too.

Hi, I used to get a sinus infection at least 4-5 times a year! The antibiotics caused me lots of problems, including severe yeast infections, and they never completely got rid of the sinus infection! I found a homeopathic nose spray (at with grapefruit seed extract in it, I use that regularly. If I feel like I might be getting a sinus infection, I use a neti pot with saline solution to rinse out my nose. it works every time! I haven't used an anitbiotic for a sinus infection in over 2 years and I haven't had a bad one either! Good luck!

What is "acute sinusitis"? Do you have an infection? If so, you can get rid of it immediately by inhaling, by the teaspoon, warm salt water. This will kill the infection and rinse out the dried mucus. Rinse again with plain warm water and blow out-but not too hard as you will cause lesions in the cavities and infection can set in again. I would also recommend-and I do this quite often-taking a teaspoon of LOCAL honey each day to help your body develop immunities to mall the air born irritants around you. Local honey will boost your immune system and keep you from getting cold and flu symptoms as well. Like all herbal remedies, local honey will take a couple of months to be completely effective but its worth it. You will be healthier overall as well.

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