Is this bulimia?!

Question: I know this is gross, but anytime i eat more than I feel I should, I take an Alli. Could that be considered bulimia?

Answers: I know this is gross, but anytime i eat more than I feel I should, I take an Alli. Could that be considered bulimia?

yes, I think you need to get some help from a psychiatrist. It doesn't sound like you do this often, but I think you need to get help before it does turn into big problem. There is help and support out there if you just look around. If your parents are supportive, confide in them. They can be your rock and strength. I will pray for you.

good luck

Bulimics throw up, that's the specification of a bulimic. I do, however, believe that you are on the path to an eating disorder. Being that aware and that concerned about overeating is a sign. Just be aware of what and how much you eat, and learn to control it. Don't let it control you. Let me tell you, get it under control now, before it's too late. 11 years of experience dealing with my own eating disorder.... you don't want it. It's all consuming.

Be healthy!

So does the Alli pill make you throw up or crap?? I have seen them advertised, if they make you throw up I am pretty surprised the FDA approved them knowing about all the problems with eating disorders!!! Good luck and only you know if you could potentially be developing this problem, do not allow yourself to get caught up in something as self destroying as an eating disorder. You look as though you keep your weight under control and are a very beautiful young lady!! Love yourself!!

u need help

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