Pimple Problem?!

Question: Hi everyone i notice that if i dont get enough sleep or if i sleep really late at night i will have very bad pimple breakouts on my face, alot of pimples behind my back and all over my arms i am not to sure if its the sleep anyone has the same problems as me
willing to share thanks.

Answers: Hi everyone i notice that if i dont get enough sleep or if i sleep really late at night i will have very bad pimple breakouts on my face, alot of pimples behind my back and all over my arms i am not to sure if its the sleep anyone has the same problems as me
willing to share thanks.

i have the same problem.. its all over my body and face. i get it due to heat, stress and my period. but i realise that i got it due to hereditary too... means my parents have it to.
last year it got sooo sooo bad, i cry everyday. feel to ashamed to go to sch.. i hate my face at that time. but now, it has gone down. i guess there is a period of time that ppl will experience pimples breakout.
1 advice though....NEVER SQUEEZE THEM! it will leave a lot of scars like mine and it hurts!

Get some pro-Active

Search Proactive online, this is a good product.

kill the boogyman... i mean hillary. you'l' sleep fine after that


it might not be your sleeping habits. it could have a small effect but don't eat any junk food

pro-active is the best...you can order it online just google it..use it every day..it prevents breakouts

Yes it's normal, it is because your skins over produces a chemical that forms spots or pimples...

yo dat iz dirty as sh*** who da F**** gets pimples from sleepin dat crap aint normal .get dat check

No it's definately not sleep... see why are you not sleeping/??? theres must be sumthing on ur mind keeping you up and taht is why ucant sleep.... problems like those cause stress //// and stress causes oil releasein the skin therefore the breakouts... try relaxong wash ur face with that garnier micorbead wash and ur face will heal avoid all problems maybe even visit a sauna... sauna are a good wait to clear skin by sittgin there 30 monuites ur pores will open and empty and to close them just splash on sum cold water right afterwards.... it willhelp trust me i know and i have no zits or pimples now...

Stress, poor diet, lack or sleep can be contributing factors. I had really bad skin whenever I got stressed or didnt sleep and it gradually just got worse.
However, after several years of using the typical products I went to the doctor about it. Didnt really know what he'd say I mean my skin was bad but not terrible however he was really good about it all and prescribed some tablets for it, might be worth looknig into.
However, if its not too bad I'd ensure you clean your face before you sleep and try and eat healthily to counteract the lack of sleep

I have the same problems as you. But, i don't think it has anything to do with sleeping. I have pimples on my back, my chest and on the side of my arms also. When I clean my face and body properly, drink nothing but water and leave junk food alone they seem to start clearing up. But, i dont have enough willpower and start old habits again.

Try changing your diet and drink plenty of water no sodas.

If all else fails probably best we both just go to a dermatologist. I heard theres medcine they can give you.

Try showering before bed and using pHisoderm? Anti-Blemish Body Wash. (You can find it at Wal-Mart with the acne treatments and skin care products)
Also wash your sheets and pillow cases at least once a week at minimum. Maybe pillow cases twice a week if your face or hair is really oily.

Sleep is one aspect, but there are other factors at play as well. See the natural acne cure below.

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