Is there a cure to diabetes type 2 ? if there is what is it?!

Question: The usual treatment for type 2 diabetes patients is the prescription of oral tablets. There are mainly 4 different types of tablet treatment for people with type 2 diabetes. These 4 different oral treatments are usually taken alone or in combination. Many patients with type 2 diabetes find that these medications when taken with a healthy eating pattern will keep their diabetes under control. However it will usually take some time to discover the most effective combination or dosage for each individual patient.
These treatment tablets all work in different ways to help control type 2 diabetes. Some of the tablets will help the pancreas to produce more insulin while others help the body to better use of the insulin the pancreas produces. There are also tablets, which slow down the speed at which the body absorb glucose from the intestine.

If you are interested in more info on treatment for type 2 diabetes, you may wish to refer to this site :

Answers: The usual treatment for type 2 diabetes patients is the prescription of oral tablets. There are mainly 4 different types of tablet treatment for people with type 2 diabetes. These 4 different oral treatments are usually taken alone or in combination. Many patients with type 2 diabetes find that these medications when taken with a healthy eating pattern will keep their diabetes under control. However it will usually take some time to discover the most effective combination or dosage for each individual patient.
These treatment tablets all work in different ways to help control type 2 diabetes. Some of the tablets will help the pancreas to produce more insulin while others help the body to better use of the insulin the pancreas produces. There are also tablets, which slow down the speed at which the body absorb glucose from the intestine.

If you are interested in more info on treatment for type 2 diabetes, you may wish to refer to this site :

Diabetes and a Vegetarian Diet -- The Vegetarian Resource Group
Diabetes and a Vegetarian Diet. See our article Vegan Menu for People with ... "Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Managed Effectively with a Vegetarian Diet," which ...

No cure unless it is caused by obesity, then losing weight can make it go away. Usually medication & blood sugar monitoring is necessary.

no cure, although diet and excerise help

no cure, it can be managed with diet and exercise in some,
oral medications in others
in many cases oral meds and supplemental insulin injections.
It is extremely important to keep your sugars in check to avoid serious complications in the future.

There isn't a 'cure'. But it is possible to reverseit or reduce teh symptoms through diet and a healthy lifestyle-it doesn't work for everyone--but there are people that have been able to stop using insulin....

We can only dream of a CURE at present. Do not believe any of the advertising that says there is, nor anyone who says there is a cure.

We can control it with extremely low carbing and lots of exercise, but we cannot Cure it.

If you have pre-stages of diabetes you can change your diet and lose weight to avoid having diabetes. If you already have type 2 diabetes you can change your diet.

no cure yet but research groups are looking for one

No cure for any type of Diabetes.

There is NO cure, because there is no one known cause. However, there are people who have found their blood glucose dramatically improved to the point where they have been able to get off of medication by following a low fat, vegan vegetarian diet.

Google the following things:

Lifestyle Centers of America
Weimar Institute
Neal Barnard's book "Reversing Diabetes."

There is no cure for it - only a treatment. If you lose weight eat the right things and exercise, you can slow the progression of it down for as much as 20 years. Talk to your nurse educator or doctor about this.

No cure so far you have to live with it until some researchers find the medication hopefully.
But you can drink a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil twice a day.
That will dramatically reduce your blood sugar. I can give you a dozen reason, but you'd better google it and find out yourself.

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