How do u know when u have insomnia?!

Question: like i no what it is but im not sure if i have it or im going through i cant sleep at night at all fase. things are always going through my mind and i cant sleep. HELP!!!!

Answers: like i no what it is but im not sure if i have it or im going through i cant sleep at night at all fase. things are always going through my mind and i cant sleep. HELP!!!!

There are 3 kinds of insomnia--

Difficulty falling asleep

Difficulty staying asleep

Early awakening.

I have all 3 kinds. My battles with sleep began when I was 16. I am now 56. My insomnia story is at

For a list of things I've tried for sleep, see

I know all about that problem with racing thoughts too. I have a couple of things I use to help me with that.

Your doctor can help you with the sleep problems. No sleep can lead to terrible health problems, such as I have now with FMS/CFIDS.

If you want more info, contact me through my website.

Well I know I have it. Its basically when you cant sleep anymore. Nothing seems to work. Your up for endless hours of the day and night. I recommend going to a Dr. Or trying the over the counter sleep aids. But be very careful...

The symptoms of insomnia vary. You may have difficulty falling asleep, so you may toss and turn for what seems like a long time. You may wake up and have trouble falling back to sleep, perhaps several times during the night. You may wake up too early and feel unrefreshed in the morning or tired or irritable during the day.

Treatment for insomnia focuses on the reason why you don't sleep well. If you have a medical problem, such as chronic pain, or an emotional problem, such as stress, treating that problem may help you sleep better. You may be able to sleep better by making some small changes. It may help to:

Go to bed at the same time each night.
Get up at the same time each day.
Avoid caffeine or alcohol for several hours before bedtime.
Get regular exercise.
Avoid daytime naps.

Its not likely to be insomia, insomnia is an illness that means that whatever you do you stay awake and do not seem to get tired or need any sleep.It sounds like you are depressed.Is something bothering you.?Have you been under a lot of stress.?Has something or someone upset you.?Has there been a lot happening at home.?...Usually your body will right itself...but you can help it along by trying to discover whats at the root...if you talk to someone or good see your dctor this might be able to help you.

You certainly know that you have insomnia, if your awake but don't feel like your awake or asleep or You just feel tired but you can not sleep. It is very complicated to explain but if you can easily stay awake for at least 2 days, you have insomnia.

I used to think I had insomnia, but realized just a couple of years ago that it wasn't that. I realized that my body only requires between 2 and 4 hours of sleep a night.

As long as you are functional during the day, I wouldn't worry about it.

We're raised with the 8 HOURS A NIGHT hammered into our heads and are sometimes made to feel abnormal if we can't get that full 8.

Adjust your schedule so that you stay up later (I'm sure there's plenty you can find to do with the extra time!) and just go to bed when you get tired. We are a society that is defined by the numbers on a clock and it's hardto break away form that conditioning, but like I said before, if you aren't being affected during the day, just sleep when your body tells you that you're tired. If you wake after just a couple of hours, go with it.

The WORST thing you can do is lay awake in bed waiting for sleep to come, especially when you're an intense thinker like you described. Get up out of bed and do something to take your mind off of it.

My husband is a constant thinker too. I used to be but learned how to get control of the thoughts in my head and can sometimes get a good three or four hours of sleep as opposed to the one or two I got before!

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomniacs have been known to complain about being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder

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