Clear Skin Foods?!

Question: What are the best types of food to get soft clear skin?
i have dry skin & get pimples regulary ,,
are carrots, lettuce and tomatoes good?
if so how many a day should i eat?

Answers: What are the best types of food to get soft clear skin?
i have dry skin & get pimples regulary ,,
are carrots, lettuce and tomatoes good?
if so how many a day should i eat?

OMG Intell you are so rude !!! I will definitely report your answer. If you are not interested in people's questions then don't answer .
And... for your question darling , I used to get pimple regularly too when i was 16 , it is absolutely normal and some girls get it till certain ages , i stopped having them when i was 18. However you can stop getting pimples by following these steps ( that I did ) ;

1: Tomatoes are very good for your skin because they have vitamin B , try to have them in your diet ( salad is the best thing to have because it contains other vegetables as well )
2:stop eating fat and carbohydrates ( Chocolate and chips are the worst, avoid them all the time )
3: Get a good face wash ( I had to try several products to finally get to a product which worked with me) wash your face with your face wash before you go to bed and when you wake up.
4: protein is good for your skin as long as it doesn't have to much fat ( meat , milk , etc ). I personally recommend low fat milk.
5: drink lots and lots of water , it is very good for your skin and your whole body , if you cant find a face wash or mask or whatever , it wont make a huge difference if you drink lots of water , take a bottle of water to your school/ work wherever and get into the habit of drinking water .
6: exercise a lot

WATER!!! Lots and lots of water. I used to have acne, maybe 3 or 4 bumps at a time. The main thing that I would recommend is lots of water. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces. ( 100 lbs. = 50 ounces) I also suggest eating green vegetables and fruit. You should eat 2 or 3 fruits and veggies each on a daily basis. Your skin shows what you put in your body, so if you eat junk food, it will show!

Another thing that helps is taking a multivitamin everyday. Drinking lots of water, eating fruits & veggies, and taking a multivitamin will give you fast results. You'll start seeing improvement in about 3 days.

Hope this helps! : )

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