Itch problem?!

Question: ok so im really itchy and my skin is really dry ive put on a lot of lotion but it didnt help what can i do to stop it with stuff at home please help its driving me crazy btw its mostly my legs

Answers: ok so im really itchy and my skin is really dry ive put on a lot of lotion but it didnt help what can i do to stop it with stuff at home please help its driving me crazy btw its mostly my legs

first, don't bathe too often. next, make sure your water is not very hot. only soap the "special spots". Before drying off, slather baby oil on your itchy spots, then dry off. When drying, do not rub, but pat dry, gently. Apply lotion or body cream when your skin is still damp to seal in any moisture. This same thing drives me nuts every winter. I have found that using the above tips plus I buy special body wash for very dry skin, and I also buy lotion by the truck load! The cheap lotions and body washes work well for me in the summer but I discovered Olay Ribbons body wash for dry skin this year and I am in love with it. Its a bit more expensive but for me it is worth it.

stop bathing for 6 months and it will feel like butterz

try the e45 cream but the one for itchy skin bath in baby oil and just rub some talcom powder into you legs it taks the itch away strait away

It may be more than dry skin. Try calamine lotion. It may be an alergy, have you worn any new clothes without washing them? If it is dryness get a humidifier, and drink LOTS of water, moisturize from the inside too. Put the lotion or baby oil on just out of the shower to prevent the mosture from evaporating form your skin.Good luck.

If your legs are really scaly and red and have uncontrollable itchy it sounds like you might have psorosis or exema. Go to the doctor and they can give you a prescription. Don't itch them because they can get infected. My doctor told me to use an icecube on my legs if they itch to prevent invection. If it's psorosis you can get medicine over the counter. I also use hydocortisone creme to help the itching or Udder Creme that makes it bearable and my legs soft too.

I have heard that during winter months we should take in more oils such as flax seed, omega oils and aloe vera liquid or capsules to help combat dry skin. Many people swear by udder cream-Rite aid has it.

ok i understand i have the same problem i have scrated so much sometimes that i have bled and scabed because my legs were so dry and itchy. the only thing with out going to the doc that worked best for me was using gold bond medicated lotion right after i shower (i pat dry when i got out instead of rub dry, which helped also) then i would put on really long sock that i used to wear when i played soccer to help lock in the lotion for a period of time. i also took an allergy medication just OTC i cant remember which one. but i would whenever i could if i were you go talk to your doc. hope you find relief real soon i know how bad it can get

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