Can vinegar help to unclog arteries?!

Question: I'm not sure if vinegar unclogs arteries, although apple cider vinegar has many beneficial effects. However, I know that garlic does help to keep arteries unclogged. I've been eating a clove a day for the last 10 yrs. My mom had arterial disease and I decided to do something early to ward off the disease. What you DON'T eat is also important. Stay away from greasy foods.

Answers: I'm not sure if vinegar unclogs arteries, although apple cider vinegar has many beneficial effects. However, I know that garlic does help to keep arteries unclogged. I've been eating a clove a day for the last 10 yrs. My mom had arterial disease and I decided to do something early to ward off the disease. What you DON'T eat is also important. Stay away from greasy foods.

How is that possibly going to work? Must be some new, and no doubt expensive, vinegar.

I'm not really sure what it's good for but I know it's good for you to have a little every day! I think Omega is good for your heart :)

Now where in the hell did that notion come from? (just kidding). No my friend you cant unclog arteries with vinegar. If you really want to know it can be done. You need to get the body into gluconeogenisus for a very very long time and in this case there may be some advantage to even proteinolytic gluconeogenisus. Yes if you starve a person until all their fat is gone and then let them start eating away their protein for sugar you can unclog arteries. I will bet you the folks in concentration camps who were skeletal from wasting away had pretty damn good arteries. I have seen CV disease reversed in patients who could not eat.

no way. what are you talking about? you need a serious surgery to unblock arteries.


Cut out the fat . Eat vegetables and grains, pasta and protein.Cutting down the sugar fat intake. That will stop them clogging but will not unclog them if they are already bad. if your Doctor says your cholesterol is high see a dietitian they will give you the best advice.

Yes, it can but can variey.

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