Hypothyroidism and another..?!

Question: Hypothyroidism and another!.!.!?
I have Hypothyroidism, have been diagnosed for almost 4 yrs now!. Im not sure if I have an autoimmune disease as well!. My thyroid has been enlarged no matter what dosage I'm on!. They did an ultrasound and found 3 nodules!. The Dr!. I'm seeing has put my Levothyroxine all the way down to 100mcg even though I was on 150mcg!. Before my 2nd pregnancy I had gone all the way up to 145mcg and of course it had to go up during pregnancy, but the 145mcg was pretty close to what I needed not prego!. Why would she down it like that!? I'm exhausted and in need of a blood draw, I can tell when I need a higher dose!. She lowered my prescription because of insomnia and incredibly painful and out of control dandruff!. I also have athletes foot on 1 foot that wont go away!. Could this be related!? I was going to have biopsy on nodules but long story short they didn't and I do need 1!. My new insurance wont cover pre existings until August!. My question is, any of you have this!? What have you done about it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am hypothyroid and take 200mcg of thyroxine!. At one stage I was on 300mcg!

This is an autoimmune disease and my experience is (please note this is only my experience) that this led on to other autoimmune diseases!.

I have found that the thyroid problems affects my hair in that it falls out in great big clumps at times, but no dandruff and no athletes foot!.

You have to bear in mind though, that if you are not getting enough thyroxine, you body will not be able to repair itself adequately!.

I would suggest that you look up yourself on the internet or wherever what the normal levels are for TSH, T3 and T4!. These are the blood tests they use to determine whether your thyroxine is working adequately!. They normally use TSH but the others are worth understanding and being aware of normal levels!. You should then check with your GP what your TSH level was on your last test!. If it fell below the normal level they were right to lower your thyroxine because you can become overactive - thryroid!.

You have to take responsibility for understanding your condition and knowing what normal levels are!. Then you have to take responsibility for asking for your results each time you are tested!. This is the only way you can know for certain that all your test results are being acted on properly!.

If you are still tired and all your levels seem good on the thyroxine you are taking - you need to look at other things!.

I am currently being investigated for celiac disease an autoimmune disease that affects the intestine and means that you have an intolerance to gluten!. This is easily treatable by eating the correct food - without gluten!.

However, one of the many side effects is severe tiredness and exhaustion!.

So, I recommend you fully get involved in your treatment and your thyroid results!. If all this seems in order, try to look at other things that may be causing symptoms and check it out with your GP!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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