Ways to cure allergies?!

Question: Ways to cure allergies!?
Are there anyways to cure allergies with homemade remedies!? I have terrible spring allergies right now and I want to know if there are any other ways to cure allergies than taking Claritin or Benadryl or stuff like that!. Please help! Thanks!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take vitamins or drink water with vitamins in it (like Propel), if you can't take vitamins, sulphur which can be found at homeopathic remedy stores is good for allergies and can be mixed in with a tbsp of jam/jelly to take or could be in pill form!.

Eat the local honey, it does help against the pollen!.

I also supplement with Oregano Oil for my allergies it really helps with the pollen/mold/mildew/grass!.

Change your air filter if you have central heat/ac, if you have pets or smoke inside change it once a month!. Get an air purifier!. I have an ionic breeze in the bedroom and a small ionic purifier with a mesh washable filter in the livingroom!. I clean those filters weekly!. I keep the door and window closed to the bedroom except when it rains, then I open the window to let the fresh cleaner air in!. I also keep the other windows closed til it rains!.

If you're looking for other homeopathic remedies to try go to the Online Remedy Finder at:


The questionnaire asks for your symptoms/problems and recommends remedies!. There is also a forum for help if you're not sure where you want to go!. There are alot of doctors on there which respond to questions!.

My childhood allergist is in alternative medicine!. She made my allergies nearly completely go away for 20+ years from just a few years of the holistic treatments!.

To Junaidi71:

There is evidence that homeopathic remedies work, I am living breathing proof!. I had 275 known allergies and my mom ran out of money for further testing when I was a child!. I nearly died of allergen overload so many times as a kid it's not funny!. My childhood allergist Dr!. Doris Rapp is in alternative medicine!. She made my allergies nearly completely go away for 20+ years from just a few years of the holistic treatments!.

But, you also have to take care of the other end of the spectrum, it won't cure them!. You have to limit your exposure to the things which once bothered you!. You have to rotate your diet not to completely eliminate the thing which bother you but slowly, gradually reintroduce them at intervals of a week, 2 weeks, a month depending on the degree of the allergy and see your reaction!. (not to be done without a doctor unless you are really in tune with how your allergies are/affect you)

There is nothing on this green planet that I am absolutely not allergic to in some degree!. Me, I didn't realize all of that about the rotation diet a few years ago, ate a ton of processed food, and now I have to deal with whittling down my 275+ known allergies and making them go away again!. Oh, and my allergy records were "lost in a flood" so there's only what I know and what my mom knows to go by ;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

The best, natural way to "cure" your allergies is to get rid of the cause!. A HEPA filter is very effective at that indoors!. Turn it on and an hour later, the room is hypoallergenic!.

The thing to understand about allergies is the reaction happens in two stages!. The first is your body builds up a chemical called complement in reaction to low levels of allergic stimulus!. Complement, once it reaches a certain threshold, triggers a cascade of events that result in alot of your symptoms whenever you are exposed to a major stimulus!.

Let's say you are allergic to cat dander and you own a cat!. You are constantly exposed to low levels of an allergic stimulus and build up alot of complement in your body!. Usually, you are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms!. Spring rolls around and some plant you are highly allergic to starts to bloom!. You go outside and have major allergy symptoms!.

If you got rid of the cat, you probably wouldn't get symptoms when you went outside without repeated exposure, especially if you used a HEPA filter indoors!. Your body hasn't built up enough complement for much in the way of symptoms!.

So, a big part of dealing with this is to seek out things you are mildly allergic to and eliminate them!. A trip to the allergists office for testing can be very helpful with this!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

getting fresh cutting of eucalyptus and crushing some leaves and putting them in a baggy and than inhaling in the baggy helps a bit with clearing out your sinuses!.!.!.!.

also, getting some sassafras root, boiling it in water, and inhaling the vapors works well!.!.!.

good luck though!.!. i usually end up taking a benedryl, it works the fastest!.!.!.:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont be defendent w/ anti histamines like claritine and benadryl just put yourself in the place where your body is comfortable, drink a lot of water and take a bath more often, you can only get away of allergies when you get immune into itWww@Answer-Health@Com

sneeze, sneeze, sneeze!.!.!.people don't realize although your not sick your body is worn out fighting allergies!.!.!.i don't know the cure I just want to know how to scratch the middle of my earWww@Answer-Health@Com

there's no cure for allergies, if there were it would hurt alot of doctor's business, the only thing that can be done is treat them with medicine to keep them under control!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There is no convincing evidence that supports the use of alternative treatments for Allergy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go c a chiropractorWww@Answer-Health@Com

Use nasenex its great stuff and it really works!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've never really heard of any!. I'm sure you could try google, or something and try a few different things!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get a Spider plant, it helps clean the air!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've heard it may help if you take a teaspoon of Local honey everyday!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat some local honey!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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