Have your children had all there vaccinations?!

Question: Have your children had all there vaccinations!?
mine have but a relative of mine hasn't had any of hers jabbed!.!.!.can you imagine if the idea of kids not being allowed to go to school if not immunised actually comes in!.!.!.mayhem or whatWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes both of my children are up to date with their immunisations!. I wouldn't have it any other way!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes mine have both had theirs, but I know plenty of people (these are well educated and sensible people) who haven't let their kids have the MMR!.
I have mixed feelings about not giving the MMR - at the end of the day it should be down to parental choice, but separate vaccines should be offered on the NHS!. Anything to get the numbers up should be looked into - but potentially threatening parents in this way isn't right!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


There's been an outbreak of rubella at one of our local nurseries because the dozy cows around here don't grasp what the vaccinations do!. Thankfully none of the kids died, went blind or deaf or had brain damage (a real possibility with rubella)!.

They aren't just endangering their own kids, but all of the unvaccinated and unborn babies!. They shouldn't be allowed into the nursery or public school system unless they are vaccinated!.

NO study has ever found any kind of link between autism and vaccination!. Unvaccinated kids are just as likely to be autistic!. They stopped using the MMR in Japan, and the rates of autism still went up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

my children are up to date with theirs!. I do know people who wont get their child done, because of side effects or whatever, but personally if their child got sick & passed that onto my child, i would be pretty mad!. The side effects of immunisations are less than the side effects of the diseases!. I think it's irresponsible to not get your child immunised, if your child is going to come into contact with others, which they will!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have them join the church that does not permit medical treatment!. I know someone who did that and her children are allowed in school!. Apparently the school district feels if they forced them to immunize they would be discrimating based on religion!. They don't believe in the church, they just don't believe in immunizing!. We immunize ours though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Mine have had all there vaccines and my son is graduating in a few days, my daughter is a JR!. Both are healthy!. Both will get the necessary vaccines for college!. If parents choose to not vaccinate children it is up to them, and up us to care the ill when sickness overcomes the ones who are unfortunate enough to get something because they were not immunized!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My son had his done at the right time and I know a few people who had the 3 vaccinations separately so they are up to date as well but they had to pay for these themselves and they are not cheap!.

I think it is it pretty reckless of parents who decide not to vaccinate their children!.!.!.people seem to forget that measles can be a killer and with rubella you could lose your hearing!. Why would you want to take the chance with your child's health!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

my chiropracter never had any of his kids immunized, and he has 2 very healthy adult kids now,, when i asked how he managed not to have it done,,( said mine had to be ) he told me to tell the doctors that I don't believe in having something injected into the body that is not to be there ,, it is not forced yet,, you can get away with not having it done,, saying its against your religion does not work, ive tryed,,Www@Answer-Health@Com

My 3 year old daughter is all up to date and this week she's actually having two extras so she's safe when we travel abroad (not sure she quite knows what's coming yet but I'm having mine too so i'll be the big brave mummy and go first!)!. I wouldn't dream of not immunising my children but when it comes to excluding them from school does that then mean the parents will be fined and even jailed under the governments other ruling regarding children missing school!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know!
I have friends parent's who don't believe in vaccinations, although i have all mine, I doubt it will though because that would cause way too much dramaWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes both my twins were fully vaccinated !.!.!.!.!.wouldn't have done anything different they are 10 nowWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes mine have i think your relative is being a tad irresponsibleWww@Answer-Health@Com

He's had all except the MMRWww@Answer-Health@Com

well she wants to because they will get really ill and then she will whish that she had them doneWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes both of my boys are up to date with their vaccinationsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes they haveWww@Answer-Health@Com


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