How do u u know if u have liver disease?!

Question: How do u u know if u have liver disease!?
what kind of pains do u get!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The liver is a very quiet organ!. Many
people are walking around with a problem
with their liver and don't even know it!.
Some never find out they even have
liver disease until they are checked for
something else!.
Usually, the first signs of the disease is
unusual tiredness!. Depending on what
caused the disease, of which there are
many things (alcohol
consumption, medication toxification,
chemical exposure, biliary problems
fatty liver, viral infections like Hep A,B,C,
etc; autoimmune disease, mushroom
poisoning and others)!.!.!.!.you may develop
flu like symptoms!. Some people state
that they feel pressure or slight pain under
their rib cage on the right side of the body!.
This is because, if the liver has
inflammation inside of it, it tends to swell
up!. The doctor can sometimes feel
this enlargement when he does an
examination!. He will confirm this
enlargement with an ultrasound or other
filming tests!. Liver disease usually
start out as inflammation of the liver cells!.
If treated and the cause can be removed,
this can heal!.!.!.If not treated and the
cause cannot be removed, then it may
progress to death of the liver cells which
is known as cirrhosis!.

As It stated above, usually no "major"
signs or symptoms usually occur until
the cells of the liver become damaged and
the functions they do start to deteriate!.
The first sign is normally Jaundice,
which is caused because the liver can
no longer convert, efficiently, a substance
known as bilirubin (which is a pigment of
greenish brown color) into a soluble form
anymore!. This bilirubin in the blood will
usually cause the yellowing of the whites
of the eyes and skin and also the darkening
of the urine!. It can also cause clay colors
stools that have a whitish gray appearance
because the bilirubin is no longer able to
flow to the intestines with the bile!.
As the functions of the liver go down!.!.!.
more symptoms will appear!. You can
read on this site more about them:

The best way to find out if you have a
problem with the liver is through blood
testing!. When the blood is taken, there
are three types of tests that will help
the doctor make a decision of a problem
with the liver!. They are: (1)liver enzymes
which will show if there may be damage
to the liver cells (2) liver function tests
which will show how the cells of the
liver are able to do the functions they
need to do (3) viral testing to see if
the problem with the liver is caused by
a virus!.

I hope this is of some help to you!.
It is best to be tested just to ease a persons

right upper quadrant pain!.!.!.around the area of the last rib!.!.!.
having pains is not an absolute indicator of liver disease, the best way to find out is having a consultation with you GP, if he finds that something is wrong he will usually refer you to a specialist!.

there are many tests to detect liver disease, some are invasive or painful and some are noninvasive!.
an example of invasive tests is:
liver biopsy

a non invasive test would include ultrasound, MRI or CT ScanWww@Answer-Health@Com

Many illnesses of the liver leae you with jaundice!.!.!.yellow tinted, yellow, or orange skin, eyes (the whites are no longer white), and nails!. You'll likely be sick a lot, and might have greasy diarrhea!. You'll possibly be tender under the right side of your rib cage, but this is not universal!.
You can only be diagnosed by a doctor, and you will likely need a simple blood test to make the final decision!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you feel generally ill and weak!. you are in pain around your abdomen, and if it is serious then your whites of your eyes start to turn yellow, plus your skin gets a yellow hue and gradually gets more yellow!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Pain in ur abdomen!. And bloody urine i think!. Not sure!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ask your doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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