How long for a plantars wart to go away?!

Question: How long for a plantars wart to go away!?
I went to the podiatrist about 1 year ago and he used a liquid nitrogen thing to freeze the wart, then he scraped it with a scalpel and dressed the wound!. After a few days, he told me to put 12% salicylic acid pads that he gave me on it!. He told me to wear one every day for 12 weeks!. I did, and it seemed like it went a way but just a little!. I always still see the mark where it was, and then it comes back!. So I put the acid pads on it again, in a few days take it off and scrape the wart with one of those abrasive stone things!. It just keeps coming back though!. Is the podiatrist really able to get this off if I bother going back again!? Or, do I need to go to an actual MD!. No other health problems or diabetes, and no immune system issues either!. Just a wart on my right foot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not saying it doesn't happen on it's own, but it's better to go ahead and take care of it

Here are some things you can do to cure it yourself within' a week

Duct tape began to work for me, but only after I began using salicyclic acid on the area before taping!. That left the skin all over my sole peeling so I went to the doctor and he cut out two of them (ouch)!. That put me off work for a week , but the other nine were still there!. (Oh yeah, don't procrastinate when it comes to plantar warts, they spread rapidly)
Then I found 'DuoForte 27 Gel' at the drugstore ($18)!. Put it directly on top of the wart after you get out of the shower/tub!. When it dries, it forms a hard 'skin' over the wart so it doesn't rub off like creams often will!. The next day you soak your foot/feet and file down what you can of the head of the wart (remove the hard skin surrounding them as well, my sister is a nurse and she told me to keep picking at them)!. This stuff worked like magic for me!. It was only a matter of days!.!.!.yes, days when the warts began to die!. You'll know the end is near when they form a dark red to black dot!. Then it's just a matter of time before it falls off with a little circle of skin surrounding it!. The doctor tried freezing the others I had but it didn't do anything for me!. I had previously used 2 cans of the drugstore freeze remedy ($20 each)!.!.!.not a thing!.
The big thing I found with my warts is, don't be afraid to file them or clip the skin down as far as you can!. Just short of making them bleed was good for me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to a dermatologist and have it surgically removed!. If you don't get it all removed at once, it will always grow back!.!. With the dermatologist, they will cut it off or use a laser to do so!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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it has got so many tips n free beauty samples for curing acne and other skin problemsWww@Answer-Health@Com

The podiatrist isn't going deep enough to get the root!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

l had a plantars wart for over a year!. Nothing worked to remove it!. My brother's g/friend said there are "seeds" in them!. Not sure what they are really called but she used a sterile needle and dug out the little black (very tiny) spots !. As for the callus that the spots were in it keeps coming back!. I use a pumas and file it down while bathing!. Don't have to do it very often!. I'll take the callus over the pain and having to walk in a way as to avoid the pain of stepping on the wart!.
This may sound crazy but there are tiny black "seeds" in the wart!. I couldn't afford to have it treated by a professional and as it turns out I didn't need a professional!. A sewing needle did the trick!. It was painful though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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