Question: HOW DO i GET RiD OF THiS THiNG ON MY FOOT !?!!?
well a summer ago i got a splinter in the bottom of my foot and i dig it out with nail clippers and now i have a big crater their from digging the splinter out!. i have been filing my skin down to get rid of it!.

well my mom thinks its a wart!. i know it isnt because it is dig into my skin!. what do you think!?

how do i get rid of it!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Because your body heals over time, the crater in your toe will even out with the rest of your skin!. But to get the splinter out, you should have used tweezers!. If it isn't healing, go to the doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If it is a wart, you can go to your local drug store and buy the over the counter wart remover!. They have bandaids that you can wear, but because it is on your foot a bandaid probably would not stay in place well!. So, I reccommend using the over the counter wart freeze!. If that doesn't work, just go see a dermatologist!. They can get it taken care of for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hello, well my answer would be to go to a pidiatrist & have him or her remove it & they could since that is a foot doctor!. don't fool around with it anymore cuz u don't want it to get infected & it will if u r not careful!. good luck & bbWww@Answer-Health@Com

I think this might be a plantar wart!. I had one of them when I was younger and it was miserable!. It was extremely painful to step on!. I suggested looking it up and going to see a derm to find out more!. I had to have mine lasered off!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Better amputate before gangrene sets in!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should go to a podiatrist and get that checked out, don't let that stay like that any longer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Donate the severed foot to science!. Maybe they can find a cure afterwards!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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