High cholestrol for non smokers??!

Question: High cholestrol for non smokers!?!?
Can any of you who DO NOT smoke, have high cholestrol!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh yes, this happens all the time! Due to our current lifestyle and eating habits, many people have high cholesterol!. Some people have a genetic reason and their bodies just naturally make lots of cholesterol or they can't process it right!. But for most patients, it's because of their eating habits and sedentary lifestyle!.

The reason you hear a lot about smoking and high cholesterol in the same context is that high LDL (bad cholesterol) and low HDL (good cholesterol) and smoking are all risk factors for coronary heart disease (including angina and heart attacks)!. Other risk factors include age and family history!.

Being a smoker increases the likelihood that you will suffer from a heart attack!. High cholesterol increases the likelihood that you will get a heart attack!. But smoking does not directly increase high cholesterol!. Make sense!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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