17 years old with Leukemia and always tired, don't have enough energy to get!

Question: 17 years old with Leukemia and always tired, don't have enough energy to get through a day!?
I am always tired, i can never go out or be social because i just don't have the energy and i constanly need to sleep!. I used to get vitamin B12 shots every week but i have not been getting them weekly anymore because when i got my bloodwork back my B12 titer was high!. Is a high level of vitamin B12 in my blood bad or can i continue to get the shots!? and does anyone have any other meds/herbs/pills or anything to help me be more energetic!? thanx!Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I was sick I was always tired too!. Even when I got B12 shots I was exhausted!. It was horrible!.

Well when I wasn't in the hospital, my friends would work around me!. They would come over with popcorn, candy, pizza, and movies and we would have a fun night in!. We also would go to the mall and someone would push me in a wheelchair around the mall!.

One thing that really did help me get a little more energy was exercise!. I would walk around the block once a day if I felt good enough!. I would also get in the pool and splash around the shallow end so I could sit on the step if I got tired!.

Lots of Prayers for you!!
Good Luck and God Bless

oh and ask your doc about the B12!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

As a young lymphoma survivor, I know exactly what you are going through!. Unfortunately, it's a side effect you're probably going to deal with until your treatment is over!.

First, make sure you're not getting TOO much sleep!. That was one of my problems - I was sleeping 14-16 hours a day!. Believe me, there is such a thing as too much sleep!. Only allow yourself 8-10 hours per day!. Force yourself to stay up with an activity that keeps you busy, like going online, doing crafts, etc!.

Check with your doctor about your iron/red blood count!. Low levels can cause tiredness!.

Maintain a healthy diet and try to exercise a little - take a walk around the block, for instance!.

And NEVER, ever take other medications, herbs or pills without your doctor's consent!. It could interact badly with your other medications and cause serious side effects!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm sorry to hear that you have Leukemia!. I know it has to be frustrating not having the energy to do the things that 17 year olds do!. Just remember this time shall pass too and soon you will be up and going living life to the fullest!. Just do what the Dr!. tells you too listen to your body and rest when its tired and go when you feel like it!. Maybe invite friends over for a movie night or a slumber party to hang out and chat!. I pray that you feel better sooner than later!. Take care and may God bless you and give you the energy to do the things you want to!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I can understand being tired!. All I felt like doing most days was laying on the couch watching television!. I had to force myself to get dressed to go to see my oncologist for neupagin shots!. Some days were a little easier the farther I got from a chemo treatment, then it would start all over again!.

Try to be patient It will get better!. When you are home, you might invite a few friends over to play board games or watch videos!. You may need to reach out to your friends and help educate them about cancer!. Let them know it's ok to laugh with you and have fun!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey thanks for answering my question but ill pray for you i hope you will get better i don't know anything with higher energy but are you sure you are suffering mentally from a condition like some people when their very sick get very worried and deppressed and this can make you advoided things like social aspect or have low energy i don't know you but im just saying it might be a possiblityWww@Answer-Health@Com

I have no actual answer for your energy problems!. But just wanted to let you know that you will be in my prayers!. I am sure that you really want a change of scenery but your body is wanting some rest!. But I agree with Grassneedscutting that you really should have people come to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sorry honey!.!.!.!.b12 might be toxic at high levels, ask your dr!. ask about iron though, many chemo pts are iron deficient!.!.!.eat well and rest to get over this, you have a long life to have fun, this is only a rough spot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm so sorry you have cancer!. I'm sure you'll pull through, but until you do you just need to relax and rest!. Don't stress yourself!. Feel better and get well!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com


im so sorry!. I hope you get better soon!. and then you'll have all the energy in the world to go out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

cocaine always wakes me up :) JK!. seriously that really sucks!. ill pray for you okay!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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