What would cause my legs to hurt even when lightly touched?(Especially the tops !

Question: What would cause my legs to hurt even when lightly touched!?(Especially the tops of them!?)!?
This doesn't sound right, does it!?!. Your doctor probably will not be able to tell you either!. If that is the case, he'll recommend you go to the local hospital outpatients for a full examination!.
I am only guessing, but it may be a circulation problem!. If so, you will be admitted and tests done!. No smoking!. Cut out your alcoholic drinks if any!. What is your blood pressure!.!? That will be the first thing about you that will be checked!. Go now, not after dinner, not tomorrow mornng!. Go now!.

All the best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

At first glance, I would say they are sunburned!. Have you been doing a lot of walking or running!? If it continues, get to a doctor!. There may be some mild tissue or muscle damage!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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