Can you help me with some home remedies to clear acne?!

Question: Can you help me with some home remedies to clear acne!?
I have researched a lot on this subject!. The best I have come up with is a home remedy from Care2!.com!. I will send you a link there are a couple great recipes that I have tried that work really well!.
good luck and please give these home remedies a try!.

Drink lots, and lots of water!. It actually helps with acne!.
Atoosa Rubenstien from Seventeen Magazine swears by eating salmon as well!. Eating salmon and drinking a lot of water!.

I don't know what you mean exactly by home remedies!.!. But there is a method to actually washing your face with regular soap and water that really makes a difference!.

When you go to wash your face, make sure your water is hot!. Before applying the soap, rub the hot water over your face!. This opens up your pores and allows the soap to do it's job!. Then, wash your face with the soap and hot water!.
When you go to rinse your face off, make sure the water is ice cold!. Cold water closes your pores!.
Wash your face off well with the cold water!.

Aside from that, use Oil-Free Makeup, as regular tends to clog pores!. There are mineral powders out now that actually help with acne, while acting as a make up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tea Tree Oil is excellent for acne!. Desert Essence makes a face wash with Tea Tree Oil & Ashwagonda!. Never use full strength tea tree oil on the skin, should be 1 part tea tree oil and 3 parts water!. Clean skin, not irritate or dry it too much!. Also supplementing wth Beta-carotene [but best from a marine source] for Vitamin A; Vitamin A can be toxic at high levels so keep to 25,000-50,000 daily,Www@Answer-Health@Com

wash your face twice a day, it helps get rid of the acne!. you can try doing a hot steam also!. get a face wash too and make sure u rub and rinse well!. drink lots of water bc it helps clear out ur system and pores!. proactiv is great i use it and never get pimples nowWww@Answer-Health@Com

a used tea bag put right on the acne will dry it out
pro active is good- also try Avon products- they
have great stuff for acneWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well I Dont Know of Any
But I Started Washing My Face
with soap before bedtime and when i woke up
and its clearing up
so you should try that out
hope i helped :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

aloe is very good!.!.but i dont think any remedies at home can helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

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