Any advice for diabetic who needs to lose a little weight?!

Question: Any advice for diabetic who needs to lose a little weight!?
Hi everyone I am an insulin dependent diabetic who is also trying for a baby!. I am trying to lose about a stone and a half but obviously need to do it slowly and safely cos of my condition!. Am currently eating two shredded wheat and skimmed milk for breakfast, a sandwich and fruit for lunch or a salad, and for evening meal veg and rice or baked potato with steamed fish!. I don't drink fizzy drinks and I don't eat a lot of sugary products obviously!. I have lost a couple of pounds but not a lot else!. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should be doing!? Any help would be appreciated xWww@Answer-Health@Com

Your diet as you described it is about 1000 - 1200 calories, which is on the low side depending on how active you are!.

Shredded wheat + skim milk: about 300 cals
Sandwich + fruit - about 450 cals
Veg, rice, fish: - about 350 cals

For women, you want it to be about 1200-1500 calories for weight loss unless your ideal weight is something very low, like under 100 pounds (sorry, American here, don't know in your unit of measurement)!.

The question is, are you getting hungry and having a few snacks here and there!? Because they can add up very quickly and ultimately keep you from losing weight!.

It's better to eat a little more and avoid eating off-plan!. I would recommend a breakfast with more protein (just add an egg, say)!. Instead of white rice or a baked potato, substitute WHOLE grains of some kind!. Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc!. You don't have to cut out all carbs but you will have more stable blood sugars and be less hungry if you make them low-glycemic carbs!.

Also, if you're having a lot of lows, you're on too much medication!. You shouldn't have to eat more to catch up to your medication!. But the good thing is that low blood sugars don't hurt the baby!. Highs are horribly dangerous in early pregnancy so you might have to sacrifice weight loss because it is very, very difficult to lose weight when your blood sugars are extra low!. It's like every calorie gets used very efficiently!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would highly recommend you look into an insulin pump!. They are a godsend for Type 1's, and particularly during pregnancy!. You have more freedom in eating, you can skip meals if needed (morning sickness!), and on days where you have cravings, you can give yourself extra insulin during those moments!. You can also dial it down before you exercise so you don't have to eat!. I follow Weight Watchers, trying to lose that last few pounds, and it works great!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try to avoid carbs after breakfast!. Eat carbs, breads, fruits all before noon!. After noon and on try to avoid all sugar, carbs, breads, pastas and fruits!.
Chromium picolinate is a helpful supplement for blood sugar metabolism!.
Drink only water and decaff!. herbal teas!.
Avoid coffee!. Avoid soda!. Avoid any food with high frutose corn syrup in it!.
Do at least 40 minutes of cardiovascular exercises in target heart rate 5 days per week!.
Good Luck!.
Also, read about Syndrome x and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and see if you meet any of those criteria!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am afraid the one thing you didn't mention was exercise!. Not only does this help you to lose weight, but it will improve your cardiovascular fitness which is very important for diabetics! However as a double edged sword it will tend to lower blood sugar, so you need to watch this closely as it may alter your insulin requirements!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Talk to you doc, your diet sounds good so if thats not working then they may be able to suggest something different!. It could be that you need to give it sometime to work properly!. Diets don't work straight away as it is a lifestyle change and you body is already dealing with alot with being diabetic!. I wish you all the luck, if its what you want then you will do it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your diet sounds good, just make sure salad dressings arn't fatty!. Maybe it's just some exercise which would help!. My boyfriend is diabetic type 1 and he plays rugby!. He checks his blood before, and has a sugary drink nearby in case of a hypo! Oh and checks it after!. Just be careful and keep it controlled with glucose etc!. Good Luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would tell you to up your protein level!. Add some protein shakes to your diet make sure that they are low on the sugar index!. Its a great way to help with your diabetic situation!.
I own sport supplements in bend Oregon please look at the web site to see what a good quality protein is the addy is

Don't eat late or use too much insulin in the evening!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, actually, when I was on the losing part of my diet, I drinked up to 10 glasses!. All the water is no fun, but it seems to keep things moving in and out of my body which obviously helps!. I am type II diabetic, lost 65 pounds three years ago, but I was under weight loss supervision from my HMO!. In other words, I joined a program which consisted of a group meeting once a week with a facilitator!. I loved the rap group setting, it made the entire experience pleasurable since the group was a once a week, round table discussion, consisting of the same people, doing the same thing!. There is a life long management group that's conducted about the same after the initial program ends!. Contact your HMO or doctor to see if you have something similiar in your area if you think this might work for you!. Oh, my diet at that time consisted of 3 Optitrim Shakes (choc/or Vanilla), and one Healthy Choice/or Lean Cuisine meal, I did cheat daily a little with soup broth, 100 calorie popcorn, steamed brocolli, and things like that, plus I had one controlled cheat day a week, with a desert!. But it was controlled!. I lost a total of 65 pounds in approx!. 4-5 months three years ago, and still maintaining, and diabetic meds free!. However, the water is still the biggest key!. And the controlled cheating is still once a week!.

I hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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