If a person has NO symptoms, and gets tested for herpes and it comes back positi!

Question: If a person has NO symptoms, and gets tested for herpes and it comes back positive!.!.!.!.!.!?
Is that initial diagnosis just one for "HSV" antibodies!? Or can they tell from one blood test if it is HSV I or II !? Do they have to do different tests to "type" it exactly!? how does that work in most clinics/doctors' offices!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, they will only need to stick you once!! (Thank goodness) The blood test detects both HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibodies, and the presence of either type in your blood means you ARE infected with the herpes virus (even if you are symptom-free!.!.!. the virus may just be in a latent form, OR you could be a viral carrier)!. Carriers often NEVER get a single symptom their entire lives, but are still capable of spreading herpes to the bf (which is probably why it's been spreading like crazy the past few years)!.

Just one blood test is sufficient to type the virus, but NOT to determine where the outbreak is located!. Due to the widespread misconception that you can't get STDs from oral sex, it's not uncommon for HSV-1 ("oral herpes") to show up in the genital area, or for HSV-2 ("genital herpes") to be on the lips/tounge/roof of the mouth/inside the cheeks, even inside the nostrils!.!.!. fun!.

And just for peace of mind if it was YOUR positive test, about 75% of the current US population would test positive for HSV antib's (and as a PA at an STD clinic, I can vouch for that! I would actually be willing to bet it's more like 90% for teens/twenty-somethings)!. Not to mention, it can be spread just by sharing lipgloss with a friend!.!.!. and if your bf has a cold sore and goes down on you!.!.!.!.
POOF, you end up with genital herpes!.!.!.!.
Scary, huh!? !.!.!.!.!. learning all this stuff in PA school almost scared me into becoming a nun, ha!.

So this is probably *way* more than you *ever* wanted to know about herpes, but I hope you got somethin out of it!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Genital herpes does NOT cause infertility or death!. Its easily treated with medication, it is not cureable but manageable!.

Testing cannot be completely sure as to what type of herpes you have until you have the outbreak, you could just be a carrier of the virus and never have an outbreak!. It could be coldsores or genital, You may not know until it happens!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get another test if you are dissatisfied but don't be in denial!. One in seven people under the age of 25 has herpes now - a sad, disfiguring, chronic, embarrasing forever disease!. Please be careful and discerning now so that you don't get another disease that can sterilize or KILL you!. Sex is not a frivolous pastime, nor has it ever been!. Many people's lives for CENTURIES have been devastated, ruined and ended by poor sexual choices despite what MTV and Hollywood would have you believe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it means that u have it but they can determine wat kind u have thru the blood tests!.!.!.!.hsv 1 which is typically cold sores!.!.!.and hsv 2 which is typically in the genital area!.!.!.!.!.!.some people are asymptomatic which means they exhibit no signs of a herpes outbreak!.!.but this DOES NOT mean that they can't pass it on to ne one else jus becuz no outward symptoms are present!.!.!.!.herpes reside in nerves and when u become stressed, sick, among other things!.!.!.they "present" themselves on the surface of ur skin' through a sore in most cases!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ckswife - you're a moron!. Stop answering questions in this section when you have no idea what you're talking about!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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