I know but im so sick of acne on my back, face, and chest!. it sucks!. i get picked on about it!. i dont like it at all!. this sounds stupid but it drives me nuts if i dont pick at them and get rid of the white heads!. then my face it red!. i try biting my nails off but i find a way still which only makes it worse!. its annoying!. ive went to the dermatologist and he gave me "3" things i can barely remember things people tell me to do tomorrow the next day!. pills and 2 different creams i have an appointment in 2 weeks!. he gave the medecine to me on april 1st and its on and off ok!. but thats when i dont pick at it because im distracted all day!. but im not easily distracted unless im at school!. but not for long!. i dont like being picked on even my brother does and he shouldnt be talking!. i want to suprise everybody at school when it starts!. help me please!!!!! Eating different things is not an option though cause i always ea healthy!. i like veggies and fruit!. i dont really like cheeseburgers and stuff that much so!. HELP PLEASE!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Going to a dermatologist was the best thing to do!. If you would stop picking on your face, it would be the second best thing!. You really should keep your hands off your face all of the time!. Hands are nasty, usually contaminated from holding money, putting on shoes that have been on sidewalks where people spit!. I could go on!.

Establish a cleaning ritual, every morning, every night, without fail!. Put an almost hot cloth over your face until it cools, then Clean your face, soap or cleaner, your choice!. NEVER go to sleep without cleaning your face!. Apply a toner, an astringent to dry the pimples, end with a moisturizer!. All hypoallergenic!.

Allergies can be a big part of a bad complexion!. If you have allergies, don't use all natural products made from plants you would react to if you were standing near!. Even if you don't, Change everything you are using, makeup foundation, shampoo, soap, even laundry detergent!. Laundry products should be Scent Free, no perfume!. Use low end shampoo, without a lot of expensive additives!. Neutrogena Shampoo is good, Suave is OK, same with conditioners!. Dial bath soap is gentle on skin, has few additives!. Baby oil is a fair moisturizer!. Witch Hazel is a cheap astringent for drying pimples!. You can buy Almay foundation at the drug store!. It isn't very good but is hypoallerginic and will work until you get the problem under control!.

Do a mask or scrub once a week, always followed by a moisturizer!. Oatmeal makes a good homemade mask!. Make a paste with hot water, let it dry, rinse it off!. There is an inexpensive apricot scrub (made from ground apricot pits) in the drug store that works well!. You can find recipes for homemade scrubs and masks online!.

Do NOT use a wash cloth more than once!. A Strong paper towel you can discard is best!.
Do not use the same towel more than once, especially if you have blemishes on your back!. Explain to your mother (if she objects) that when you dry, pimples sometimes break and reusing the towel spreads infection!. Change your pillowcase often!.

NEVER put makeup back into the bottle after it has touched your hand!. The same is true of shampoo or any other liquid that goes on your face, head or body!. This can and often does contaminate the liquid, which causes pimples!. Make sure the caps go back immediately on bottles!. Avoid contamination!. If your shampoo falls into used bath water or the wet floor of the shower, for example, while open it will probably be contaminated!. Wash your hair at least every other day!. Oily hair goes along with acne!.

Your doctor has probably given you an antibiotic!. Take it faithfully, then stay out of the sun without covering your skin!.

Stress can cause breakouts!. There is, in fact, a type of acne that is caused by stress!. If you are really serious about clearing your skin, you may need to change the way you deal with the world!. You need to learn to let go of anger, to deal with stressful situations by acting instead of reacting!.

Finally, check your workplace for possible contaminates!. If you work in a fast food restaurant, for example, the grease may be clogging your pores!. We spent a lot of time and money with the dermatologist before we discovered that my son was allergic to shellfish!. He woked in a restaurant that used a mix that contained shellfish!. He'd wipe his hand across his face as he cleaned up in the evening!. Good luck finding the cause of your problems!. The answer is somewhere!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to have this problem too,,,But mine was on my bum,,,So I started using a good antibacterial soap,And a rag scrub really good every day when you shower ,, that's how I got rid of mine,, And don't pic them it will make your skin scar and leave hard knot's under your skin,, Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with sugar plum
anyway same problem

turn off your computer; come out and
get more expose to sunlight
it will be good between 8am to 11am and 3PM to 4!.30pm!.
Drink coffee more and avoid the veggies & fruits which gives anti oxidant like carrot

As much as i love to help u, your only option is to drink plenty of water, continue being healthy which includes exercising daily and apply cream twice a day!. i use to have acne on my face and sometimes on my arm and i did the following!. i would peel off the white heads and pop the pimples!. now all i have are scars around my face!. every once in a while i would grow acne again!. Try staying away from using dirty towels or getting expose to the sun too much because these are also contribution to the growth of acne!. Wash your hair daily and keep away from moisturizing shampoo because it contains ingredient fill with oil!. Oil from your head eventually cause the clotting of oil in your face which develop acne!. Wash your face gently with soap and let your face cool down from all the heat in the atmosphere before applying cream!. give it a week or so and maybe your skin will invigorate once again like you were younger :) BTW i know how it feels for classmate to make fun of you because of your skin but ignore them because they u are who u are and as long as u believe in yourself that's all that really matters!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Acne is a very painful thing to have from being picked on!. There is a product out that works but I cant remember the name of it!. I think it is called pro active!. It might help you, but your best chance is following you dermatoigists instructions!.

Find a way to show others you don't care what they say, which is easier said than done!. But if they dont get a reaction from you then they will stop picking on you and move on to someone else!.

Just remember you are a beautiful person insode and out, no matter what anyone else says!.

Hold Your Head Up HighWww@Answer-Health@Com

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