My 9 year old daughter has childhood Insomnia... tips?!?!

Question: My 9 year old daughter has childhood Insomnia!.!.!. tips!?!!?

I hear from more people whose children have insomnia lately - and childhood insomnia can lead to health problems - see http://www!.fms-help!.com/teens!.htm

I don't know if a pediatrician will prescribe meds for a child, but a list of things I've tried for sleep is at http://www!.fms-help!.com/sleep!.htm I also know a number of different natural things that can be tried!. You can contact me at dombush@bellsouth!.net but hopefully your daughter's insomnia will go away on its own!.

My other thought is if she received any vaccines recently or has had any neck or head injury, because that can affect brain function!.

Does she play video games (stimulates the brain too much) or is she is worrying about something!? That can keep adults awake too!.

Have you tried melatonin!? (check with your doc first)

I have had insomnia since I was 16 (I am now 56) and it has had a very bad effect on my health http://www!.fms-help!.com/insomnia!.htm so I hope your daughter's situation can be helped soon!

She is too young for it to be hormonally caused, but hopefully your doc can offer some ideas and solutions, as I am just a fellow insomniac!. I am "managed" now with meds and supplements!.


I had overwhelming anxiety and insomnia!. It turned out to be my use of Splenda!. Yup Splenda!.

I like to say sucralose, not Splenda, because that is what Splenda is!. And it is in a lot of stuff!. The package doesn't have to say Splenda to have sucralose in it!. You have to read labels!. So, you might still be using it and don't even know it!

Sucralose is poison!. It ruined five years of my life!. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it, including overwhelming anxiety, depression, mood swings, insomnia and more!.

Go ahead, google: anxiety splenda or anxiety sucralose or insomnia splenda or insomnia sucralose

The slogan, "Made from sugar!.!.!." is very misleading!. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar!. The resulting chemical is an organochloride (chlorocarbon)!. Organochlorides are typically poisons!.

carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh airWww@Answer-Health@Com

The best thing you can do is see a doctor!. If she is a child it could be more than her just having trouble sleeping!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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