What is this itchy rash on the side of my hip?!

Question: What is this itchy rash on the side of my hip!?
it is alittle red and itches alot i had it for about 5 monthes now and dont know how to get rid of it!. I alos think the skin is dry aorund the area!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

See a doctor at your earliest convenience!.

Here are my thoughts:

Because we have no information on the rash itself I can't tell you if you have Eczema, Herpes Zoster, or an allergic reaction to something!.

If it's been going on for 5 months, I'd ask you whether you have:
a!.) put on weight;
b!.) bought a new belt or pair of pants that you wear a lot; or
c!.) ever had a rash like this on your body anywhere else!.

If you have put on weight, I would recommend that you just buy pants with a larger waist (I doubt this is the case)!. Try taking your belt off!.

If none of that works, grab some hydrocortisone cream or cortisol!. That will help to alleviate the itch!.

A doctor will most likely prescribe this anyway!.

Good luck, chief!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be a fungus!. The only way to get rid of those kind of rashes is to put some sort of cream on it!. Can't quite remember what it's called!. But if I were you, I'd go confront a doctor right away cause it could be a number of things, it just sounds like a fungus to me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be literally anything, why don't you visit webmd!.com and try to run a search by describing the symptoms!. Scabbies is know to itch very much and hard to get rid of - its contageous so be careful but as I say webmd!.com is your best betWww@Answer-Health@Com

It could be a form of eczema or some other skin condition!.!.!.possibly an allergic reaction to something too!? Maybe your detergent!. My son could never use TIDE it would make him break out in hives!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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