Why Blood Sugar Level is rising ?!

Question: Why Blood Sugar Level is rising !?
Why blood sugar level is on the rise during sleep with out any intake of food or drink !?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is a condition called Dawn Phenomena!. Basically its a liver dump in the middle of the night!. You can help this by in taking some protein before bed!. Such as a tablespoon of peanut butter!. This will help!.

My husband would wake up in the middle of the nights because his sugar would jump up and it would wake him!. After speaking to our diabetic instructor, and following this advice, he has not had this problem!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

What may be happening is what is called "the dawn phenomenon"!. what happens is that your glucose numbers are dropping to low levels during the night when you are fasting!. In response to this your liver releases stored excess glucose to help bring them into a normal range but with so many people it releases to much glucose, thus we awake with higher readings!.

The way to combat this is to eat a small portion of carbs (no more than 15 grams) to raise it initially and hopefully keep it in a normal range all night!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The first person knocked the nail right on the head!. If you have type 2 diabetes, metaformin is supposed to alleviate this!. If #1's suggestions don't work see your doc about raising your long term insulin!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have a friend with that problem too!he was born with it so you may have been born with it and you may have just started getting itWww@Answer-Health@Com

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