You believe that one day the mankind will win a cancer?!

Question: You believe that one day the mankind will win a cancer!?
do you believe!? Why!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

We have cures for some cancers - even some widespread, far advanced cancers!. Look at Lance Armstrong's web site!.

Cancer is a general term for 200 plus different diseases!.
Over half of people diagnosed with cancers are being cured now - mostly with surgery for early disease but also with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatment modalities as in Lance's case!.

How close are we to finding cures for every one of these diseases!?
No one can say!. The different cures will be learned in steps just as they have been over the past half century!.

The best way to manage "cancer" is to prevent the ones that are clearly associated with our lifestyles!. If we all stopped smoking, we could eliminate most (~90%) of lung cancers which cause more death than any other cancer type!.

Asking about a "cure for cancer" is like asking when there will be a cure for "Infection"!. There are many many types of infections that can cause disease and death!.

If one understands how the cancer research system works - the sheer number of people involved in the process of developing a curative treatment for a particular type of cancer - it is clear that no breakthrough could ever be kept secret!. Besides, each drug with curative potential makes so much money there would be no financial reason to suppress it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you mean beat cancer!. Like find a cure!. I hope so!. But a part of me thinks that their are cures out there but the scientists don't want to cure it because they fear the world will become overpopulated!.(actually a family member is the one who told me that)!. But I think that someday there will be a cure!. And just like other times a new disease will come that is deadly just like cancer!. It sux and I hope that someday their is a cure for all diseases so people don't have to suffer and be in pain!. Children, adults,teens don't have to die for no reason they can have a life and enjoy it and grow up go to college (if they want) get a job have a family and do all the things that they want to!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You dam american's really have no clue what is really going on!. Do you know how much money that companies and the goverment make's becuase of this cancer crap!. You can not imagine, prices rise in trillion's!. Im sure somebody found a cure quiete a while ag, but why in the hell would anybody release it and lose billion's of dollar's!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Possibly!. We already have treatments for certain types, so making more effective treatments and treatments for more types of cancer isn't unreasonable!.

The problem with that though is when you can deal with cancer, you'll get other problems like high treatment cost and even more overpopulation (so more hunger)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its already here but suppressed by the mainstream media!.

Conventional Cancer Treatments

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