Ok which is better to do? pop or leave???? (PIMPLE)?!

Question: Ok which is better to do!? pop or leave!?!?!?!? (PIMPLE)!?
i have school on monday
and i've had this pimple on the tip of my nose slowly growing
before it wasn't really that noticable, you could just feel not see
but today its starting to become noticable, but not like REALLY noticable

i don't want a pimple on the tip of my nose on the first day of school, and at the rate its growing, its going to be really disgusting by monday!. Will popping it make it less prominant, or should i just leave it!?

i use aveeno facewash and lotion every morning and night!. I can't buy any new acne product!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well it depends !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. is it a whitehead yet!? if its not DONT POP IT!!!!!iF its not white when u pop it it jwill grow back even worse!. ifit is whitehead it should fade after popping!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

you should pop it!.
when i get tiny pimples i just leave it alone, but if it's bigger, and noticeable pop it, especially since you have school!.
but wash your hands before and after you pop it, and make sure to clean it off after you pop your pimple!. then make sure to care for that spot by cleaning it and all that

hope that helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you squeeze it your nose will be red from bruising, then it will take longer to fade than the pimple would have taken to heal!.!. try putting a warm wet cloth on it to bring it to a head sooner!.then use a band aid to hold a piece of aspirin on the pimple!. i never tried it myself but many say it works fast!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should alwas pop zits, no matter what!.
Pop it, put rubbing alcohol or Clinique on it, then put whatever kind of lotion or moisturizer works for you!. (I use Benzaclin!.) Then use cover-up or foundation to cover it up for school

If you decided to pop it, make sure to take care of the spot!.
Wash your hands before you pop it!. Then wash the spot and put a little neosporin or something similar so the chance of scarring goes down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Popping it is way to temporary and it's going to irritate your skin, if you do that trust me you'll get more it's just a part of life you have to do deal with!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont mess with it at all!. if you mess with it even a little it will become more inflamed!.
even if you are successful at popping it!.!.!. it wont heal by monday!.!.!. you will go to school with a scab that you cant cover with makeup!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should not pop the pimple!. It could leave a scar or get bigger!.Try using alcohol to dry it out!. Also drink a lot of water and try not to eat any greasy foods!.That can make your face oily!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

since school is in 2 days!.
i suggest popping it, then moisturizing it a lot!.!.!.
because that pimple isnt gonna go away on its own within 2 days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

what you do is pop them right before a shower then scrub your face realy well to get all the gunk out!.!.!.!.!.this will not only wash your face but clean everthing with reduced rednessWww@Answer-Health@Com

Do not pop it! Leave it alone and just keep washing your face!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

POP ITWww@Answer-Health@Com

your still in highschool arent you!.!.!.one day such things wont bother you anymoreWww@Answer-Health@Com

POP IT then clean itWww@Answer-Health@Com

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