How do I adjust my diet if my blood sugar is too high before meals?!

Question: How do I adjust my diet if my blood sugar is too high before meals!?
If my blood sugar is too high or low before or after meals, how do I adjust my diet to compensate!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

First, keep track of what you ate for breakfast, if you have eaten too many carbs which turn into sugar, your accu check will be higher!. Do some exercising, walking, gardening, move around, dance, lift light weighs to help utilize some of those extra carbs!.
I don't know how high your sugar gets and I don't know what you have eaten, or what kind of medicine you take,so I can't really say what you should do!. The effects of food doesn't take notice until 3-4 hrs from when you have last eaten!. Everyone is so different!. What works for someone else may not work for you!. How often do you take your accu check!? Keep a daily record of your accu checks and your diet and when you eat too!.
How is your diet!? Go to Google and type in "high glycemic foods" and "low glycemic foods", look for ehow, this is a great site explaining how foods are metabolized in your body!. And should give you some great in site on diabetes too!.
Good luck!.

Try drinking tea with cinnamon if it is too high!. If it is too low, of course, add a half a slice of bread or white crackers!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eliminate food high in carbs such as pasta,rice,white bread,sugary drinks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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