Can i stop my genital herpes outbreak from getting worse or end it without medic!

Question: Can i stop my genital herpes outbreak from getting worse or end it without medication!?
Is it possible for the outbreak to fade away without taking medicine!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I will give you my personal advice!. I contracted herpes 10 months ago after I was raped!. 3 weeks after the rape I had an outbreak!. Just this past week I had my second outbreak!. I researched herpes online and I got a list of vitamins and supplements/herbs to take!.

I found that baby powder and lemon balm were incredibly helpful!. I found lemon balm at my local health food store!. They made the blisters shrink in only one day!.

Keep in mind that the most powerful thing to clear your herpes is your immune system!. Work on getting into the best possible physical and mental health, then your immune system will suppress the virus and keep it in a dormant state!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes it can go away with out medication but the virus will still be in your body!. Which means that it can come back at some time in the furture and if you don't get it treated herpes can spread to other reprodictive organs and cause more problems!. You really need to talk to your doctor and get a professional opioun as to how to treat it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they will go away on their own, you dont need medication!. i have had plenty of outbreaks where i didn't take the meds!.!.!.usually because i forget!. and yea they typically take longer to heal :( Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, but it will take longer and be more unpleasant!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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