My husband has something like an electrical shock that...?!

Question: My husband has something like an electrical shock that!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.goes thru his body every once in a while!. Thats the only way he can describe it, or like a tremor, or bad cold chill!. It is usually when he is really tired and over doing it at work!. I have researched this and cannot find nothin and his dr!. doesn't know what it could be!. It really seems to worry him when it happens!. Please help me if anyone knows about this or have experienced it!. It happens usually when he tries to fall asleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

His MD needs to follow up more closely sounds like mini Seizures,something medication will take care of!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

likeh is sholders move suddenly with no control for couple of seconds !? *whole body but more visual on the sholders* !.!.

if so !.!.!. let him drink water and relax for abit , maybe read abook or anything that will relax him !.!.!.

its normal but the way u talk about it !.!.!. it seems abit serious !.!. is he old !?Www@Answer-Health@Com

In order to control this better tell your husband not to feel stress and make him feel relax make him to do meditation daily early in the morning then you may find some change if not concern a doctor so that he can give you better advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My husband does that too!. It is called "Hypnic Jerk"!. Now you can google it and learn more about it!. There isn't anything to worry about!. It isn't considered a dangerous condition!.


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