Do you think that i could get an STD?!

Question: Do you think that i could get an STD!?
if neither of us have any type of STD and we had unprotected sex!.!.
could i get infected with an STD!. oh, we were both virgins befroe we did anything!. and AIDS too!.!.

its it possible!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't have sex!. Seriously just wait to get married!. Look, you are going to get to that age and wish you had waited!.

If you are married to said person, yes you still can get STD's from other sources!. Also, you have to get tested for an STD you can be born with them or come into contact with them without sex so do not think your virginal status protects you 100%!. Just be safe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Unless one of your guys happened to acquire something whilst jaunting through your mama's birth canal -- no, there is essentially no chance either of you has an STD!. HIV (AIDS precursor virus) can be acquired from your mother, as well, but as long as you're both older than 10 (which!.!.!.ahem!.!.!.you lead me to believe) you should be A-OK as long as your parent(s) haven't developed the illness (10 years is usually the longest incubation period for the virus in the body)!.

From a very factual angle, you guys are in a decent situation!. You're both virgins!. This kinda thing won't happen again, unless you wind up staying with each other for the rest of your lives!. Enjoy this freedom and time of discovery and cherish it, because you're not virgins anymore and as such place yourself at increased statistical risk with each additional sex partner!. On a sidenote, however, I'm glad you were virgins and all!.!.!.but being "virgins" is one of the neatest little ways to acquire STD's that I know of!. You'd be surprised what you'll catch from a "virgin"! ;) Not that I'm implying you two weren't!.!.!.just that you should be careful down the road when questioning someone about their sexual history -- because you SHOULD question them!. And everybody should be honest with one another in an ideal world!.

Make sure you don't be a-baby-makin' unless you know what you're getting into, so if you're anti-condom, at least check into the Pill to keep yourselves happy, healthy, and baby-free until you're ready!. If you don't feel like you're old enough, just can't tell yo' mama, or don't have the fundage to afford birth control, think again, because if you're old enough to have sex you're probably old enough to visit a Planned Parenthood or women's clinic in your town!. There will almost always be one nearby, and if you don't have a job (or aren't old enough to) the Pill is usually free!. No matter how old you are, you should cherish your health in all ways (it's the only one you'll get)!.

But really!.!.!.condoms get a thumbs-up until you're ready to tie the knot for good, and if you're still opposed, check out that Pill!. Trust me -- it'll be better than worrying all the time! Google can be your friend -- search for a clinic if you don't know of one right off the bat!.

Have fun, stay safe, take care of your body AND your mind, and keep on rockin' in the free world! ;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You may want to know that, but I want to know if you payed any attention in school at all!?

I mean, seriously, do you think an infection can spring up out of nowhere!?

However, if you're stupid enough to have unprotected sex, you deserve whatever you get!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

first of all what are you doing having unprotected sex and birth control means 2 not one !. now that is out of the way !. that answer should be no unless either one of you had a condition from child birth Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh you know boys lie!. And when you do come down with super AIDS he will give you some BS like, "I got it from the toilet seat!. I jumped right up, and grabbed my meat!"Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you both were really virgins and you only had sex with each other, the only way you could get an STD is if one of you got it from your mother while she was pregnant or during childbirth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, One of you must be infected with the virus itself before you get and STD!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

it's possible!. do you honestly think you can trust someone else's word!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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