What do you think this is? Ringworm, spider bite, tick bite, contact dermatitis?!

Question: What do you think this is!? Ringworm, spider bite, tick bite, contact dermatitis!?
I have an erythematously filled circle on my shoulder!. It is not a ring!. It is a filled circle!. It has pustules in the the circle, which I think are my pores filled with pus!. It is slightly raised!. The skin around the circle is slightly red and itches!. The site itself itches really badly!. I tried hydrogen peroxide once, neosporin once, hydrocortisone twice, airing it out, bandaging it, etc!. It started 6 days ago!. I will call a doctor on Monday!. It was the size of a dime 6 days ago and now is the size of a quarter!. It kind of burns - or maybe that is the extreme itch factor!. It's painful, too, but tolerable!. The pores were not pustular at first, but more are filling up with pus as each day goes by!.

There is no bite mark in the center!. There is no lighter color in the center and ring on the outside!. It's all dark pink/red!. No other sx noted!. No spider/tick seen 6 days ago, although they are everywhere where I live!. No contact with fragrances, diff!. detergents, etc!. No hx of excema!.

I can email a picture of it to you if you email me at taddmb@yahoo!.com!. Thanks for your help!.

Without seeing the affected area, would be hard to guess what it is that has invaded your skin!. H202 is so invasive on tissue!. I sure wouldn't use it and never do on any skin issues unless there is some kind of debris in the wound, and then I dilute it 50:50 w/water!. Just too invasive!. I can't quite figure out why you are using so many different products, only trying them one X!. Touching it and fiddling with it will exacerbate ANY skin issue!. Again, difficult to know without seeing it, but might be best not to put anything on it and allow it to run its course!.!.!.!.perhaps it's attempting to produce pustules, before it can resolve!. Benadryl crm is sometimes useful for itches!. Leaving open to air may well help it to dry out!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you need to go to the doctor and have it checked out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Check with a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like it could be a boil!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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