Should I listen to my mom?!

Question: Should I listen to my mom!?
Here's the situation:

My mom wants me to eat only RICE MEAT AND WATER for the next 2 days!. She also wants me to take Pepto Bismol!. (I'm not supposed to take it after recovering from the flu) She says that if you want to do whatever you want, whatever, go away!. She is so infuriating!!! I keep thinking that she is stupid and knows nothing, except her immigrant ways!. At the same time, I know she's trying to help me with my diarrhea problem, but what do I do!? Do it her way, get malnutrition and possibly worse problems!? Or stay with whatever my dad got for me (Imodium, Gatorade, and foods as long as it has no FATS OR FIBERS)!? I plan to go to the doctor's sometime next week if this continues!.
My mom and dad have been hating on each other for over a month already!. Mom could care less if I did it dad's way!. What the hell am I supposed to do!!?!!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

stick to the BRAT diet:Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast
take 1 imodium after every bowel movement!.
BTW:pepto bismol changes the colour of the poo!
I have IBS, pepto does nothing for me:i use imodium!Www@Answer-Health@Com

you wont get malnutritioned or have any other problems if its just 2 days!. moms always know it best!. maybe not what you want to hear but as older you get the more you will realize that!. rice meat water bananas and plain toast are best for diarrea!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hmm i think you should try your dads way first and if it continues try your moms way
but when i get it it usually goes away after couple of days and i eat w!.e!. i want
so juss be patienceWww@Answer-Health@Com

I think if you follow that diet for only 2 days to stop your diarrhea problem you will not get "worse" problems down the long run!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Follow the BRAT diet and imodium as prescribed, but by no means take the pepto - it contains aspirin which can lead to Reyes SyndromeWww@Answer-Health@Com

Just be sure you get plenty to drink so you don't get dehydrated!.
If nothing else works, you could try it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go on the internet and look up what the best things to do to get over the flu are Www@Answer-Health@Com

First, how long have you been sick for!? If over 2 wks go see your doctor!.
Also with the foods you are eating no wonder you are not feeling better! Beef jerky! lol
Take the imodium, and stay hydrated, gatorade is good to replace lost electrolytes which you lose a lot of with diarrhea!. The following foods are good for an upset tummy: Bananas (high in potassium, something you lose a lot of with diarrhea), rice-plain (I don't know what rice meat is, and if there is meat in it I wouldn't eat it as meat is made or protein which is hard for your body to digest!.) applesauce, dry toast, saltine crackers, and ginger ale (ginger is a natural antiemetic, that is alleviates nausea)!.
You mom is just trying to help, and a lot of times ethnic traditions and remedies do work very well and for good reasons, but in this case I think I would skip on her suggestions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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