I have really dry skin on my hands?!

Question: I have really dry skin on my hands!?
i have tied hand creams they dont work my skin is cracked rough and bleeds any ideasWww@Answer-Health@Com

You should see a dermatologist!. I had this issue too and the cracked skin actually poses a huge infection threat! And after I saw my Dr!. they found out that I am allergic to half of the creams that Iwas putting on my hands! So yeah, see a skin doc hopefully they can help :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like something you are doing is drying the skin ie washing your hands or gardening!. If you can, wear gloves when working to reduce exposure to soil or chemicals etc!. At night, cover your clean hands in a layer of vaseline and put on cotton gloves!.!. do this a few nights and i think your hands will start to recover!. Also, put a little sudocrem on any cracked and bleeding areas to help healing and prevent infection!. Lastly, have you tried neutrogena hand cream!? works wonders i thinkWww@Answer-Health@Com

I get dry knuckles every winter!. I've tried numerous lotions, creams, oils, you name it!. Organic, preservative, what not!.

Here's something that worked for me: Cortaid Lotion!. I found it at walmart, but there are stronger types in drug stores and Walgreens, anywhere a pharmacy is I suppose!.

Also, try using Carmex (or any strong Chap stick)! Seriously, it works for chapped lips, why not dry skin!? Works for me!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i find a lot of hand creams make my hands worse
i pour a dessertspoon of vegetable oil into the palm of my hand
then a shallow teaspoon of sugar and rub your hands together gently
its best to do it over the sink cos its a bit messy
also avoid washing up without using marigold (or similar) gloves on as
detergents can make your hands really sore

why dont you try gloves in a bottle by; allergy best buys; it is a cream which dries in in seconds and leaves a tasteless scent on hands it dries in to a barrier film on your hands and locks in all moisture that is why it is called; gloves in a bottle; you can get this from ;allergy best buys ;
why dont you yahoo it for infoWww@Answer-Health@Com

I have a friend who's hands are the same, she is under a dermatologist, she has a special cream from them she applies at night then wears cotton gloves to go to bed in, she also has to wear rubber gloves for washing the dishes etc!.!.!.I would go and see your doctor if i were you!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

my dads had the same thing and he still has it every thing we've tried doesn't work and hes had it seens feb but green tea if you sook your hands in it it really really helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

go get yourself some liniment they use on horses hooves
that stuff works fantastic

good luck

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