How long I have been Diabetic?!

Question: How long I have been Diabetic!?
Last month I come to know that I have diabetes!. Since that time, I am exercising and dieting and now the sugar level is in normal level!. But last week I test my A1c test and it comes 10!.4!. This was a very high value!. So my doctor recommended me to continue exercise and diet and will have test after 3 month!.

I just wonder that how long I have been in diabetic!. Earlier this year, I had some symptoms for diabetic but that time I didn't test my sugar level!. I ask this question because I also diagnose as moderate fatty liver!. This means that I may have diabetes more then 1/2 years!. Because diabetes is the only one reason that can make my liver fatty!. I am not a heavy drinker and also I am not obese!. I am just little overweight with BMI 28!. (Now come down to 25)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

An A1C of 10 is VERY high!

The A1C takes an AVERAGE of your blood sugars over the past 90 days!. An A1C reading of 10 indicates an average blood sugar reading of about 250! And that is an AVERAGE -- you have been lower, but much of the time you have been MUCH higher!

These levels of readings usually indicate someone who has been diabetic for many months - even years!. Because the symptoms of diabetes come on so slow, it has been found that many Type 2 Diabetics have had the disease for 5-7 YEARS before they get diagnosed!.

And this WOULD account for the "fatty liver"!. One of the side effects of diabetes is an increases in blood fat levels and cholesterol -- both of which are filtered through the liver!.

The good news is that if you follow your treatment exactly, many of the problems you have can be reduced!. Your cholesterol will come down, but it will be slow as your liver needs to get "cleaned out"!.

You are also in danger of hardening of the arteries leading to heart attacks and strokes!. This, too, will heal, but it will take a long time -- possibly years of maintaining your diabetes under excellent control!.

Work extremely hard to get your blood sugars to normal and KEEP them at normal!. The doctor may also prescribe oral medications for your diabetes, and also for your high cholesterol, if you have it!.

But stay STRICTLY on your diet, and keep exercising!.

The A1c tells you an approx!. average of your blood glucose levels for the past 3 months!. There is no way to know for sure how long you have had diabetes, it is possible to have for some years before a diagnosis!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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