Seem To Be Having Trouble Breathing While Falling Asleep!?!


Seem To Be Having Trouble Breathing While Falling Asleep!?

It seems like when I try to go to sleep it is hard to breathe. It seems like it happens when I think about it. It scares me, and it makes me think I wont be able to breathe. I kno I do not have asthma, because I can run around and stuff and be perfectly fine. Once I get tired enough and I fall asleep I am perfectly fine, but it worries me of what this might be.


Additional Details

2 weeks ago
I know it is not my weight as I am not even slightly obese. I am actually just a little under weight.


You are causing yourself a small form of enxiety/panic attack, especially when it happened before which created the enxiety to start with and created an anchor in your system, hence it repeats the original experience under similar circumstances of an emotional stimulant. You need to undo the original experience and help cick in the parasympathetic part of your nervous system, which cause peacefullness.

Learn to breath deeper, by using your diaphragm rather then the top of your lungs, where it normally is shallow breathing, where fear is registered and autonomic behavior causing the sympathetic part of your nervous system to cick in when we go into flight or fright at times of fear or under distress at times of danger.

If you practice the consciously connected breathing by the proper use of your diaphragm, your system will change and your breathing will become more stable, to prevent fight or flight inervation during dream state/or enxiety attack.

Bueteko (uncertain of the correct spelling), is a Russian breathing technique, that may assist restoring correct breathing rythem or training you to breath better and deeper. Look it up. Another training which also involves relaxation methods is called conscious connected breathing (an old name was re-birth which has been changed due to misconceptions). It was believed that a new born baby during his first breath of his system without assistance, was taken under stressfull conditions which caused it to go into some kind of shock (breath or die kind of emotional experience) and it caused the wrong part of the nervous system to take strong effect or position in the funtioning human, and who never learned to correct the problem.
Whatever the reason, it does help if you use their techniques correctly, though it is hard when you used your breath incorrectly all your life, or go into shock experiences as a child alot.

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