How do you personally treat your diabetes? or how does someone you know treat it!


How do you personally treat your diabetes? or how does someone you know treat it?

... with regard to medication, surgery, diet, exercise


I am eating what is on my list of things to eat, trying to lose weight , and am really trying to stay off insulin. I have a partial Kidney left because I've had Kidney cancer surgery, and have a Kidney function of around 40. I have been on Blood pressure meds for years, and am taking 3 Blood pressure meds .and Lasix. My Doctor wanted to put me on Insulin and I told him to give me 3 Months that was Mid May. So By Aug. my time will be up. and I will have a 3 Month test to see how I've been doing. I have succeeded in bringing my blood pressure down, and lost almost 15 lbs. As far a exercise, I do my house work, some work in the yard but do not do exercise as there is a very large area where muscles were cut to remove my kidney for surgery and this section tends to cramp, and swell, and cause a lot of pain when I do things like mow the lawn , rake, sweep, vacuuming. I consider those chores more important then exercise for myself., I need to be able to be a functioning, contributing member of my family, or I do not need to be here, I'm 60. not a young person, and do not intend to be a burden on my family.

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