Sleep problems with heart?!


Sleep problems with heart?

Last night i was falling asleep and suddenly my heart thudded and i could feel it gush through all the veins in my body and i got a huge shock its hard to describe?i jumped up and i was lightheaded for a while in shock.This ever happened to anyone?


sounds like a bit of a heart murmur or heart rhymia (rhythm inconsistant). You notice stuff like this when it's quiet and you are in a rested state. It probably happens also when you are doing some physical activity (like going up steps), but you don't notice it.
Go see a doctor who can put you on a treadmill and do some stress tests. This should trigger your heart into doing some silly beats, and it would be recorded. Then the doctor can talk to you about what exactly you have and what you can do about it.
Don't be worried quite yet. Just meet with a doctor and get the facts.
062907 3:55

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