How can i reset the hypothalamus gland in the brain?!


How can i reset the hypothalamus gland in the brain?


The hypothalamus is a gland in your brain that regulates homeostasis (normal functioning) with in the body. It receives neural (brainwaves) and neurohormonal (hormonal) stimuli to carry out its job in keeping the body systems working together to keep your organs and body functioning together in harmony.

The hypothalamus is effected by circadian rhythms... meaning it plays a part in controlling when u sleep and when u are awake. I dont really understand your question in wanting to 'reset' it but my answer to this question would be to get plenty of rest at night and during the day get out into the sun and that will ensure that your hypothalamus is responding to correct stimuli in the day and resting the body at night to maintain homeostasis within your body.

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