Invasive breast cancer and swollen lymph node?!


Invasive breast cancer and swollen lymph node?

My mother had just got her results back from the biopsy on her right breast and the doctor has said it was ductal cancer and invasive as well. Along with that she has a lymphnode under her right arm which is probably her pectoral lymphnode or at least in that area and its pretty swollen. She is now going for the mastectomy to remove her right breast and while they are doing that they are going to extract the lymphnodes under her right arm as well to check if they have any cancer. My question is what does that swollen lymphnode usually mean? If it is in that lymphnode has it spread elsewhere and if so are there any other signs that would have alerted her of the spreading? Wouldnt other lymphnodes in her body have swelled too? Also the doctor had felt the lymphnode and said it was still a little soft and tender is that a good sign? Hope to hear all the info you have and thanks for all your help.


I am a three time breast cancer survivor. It is absolutely normal to remove one or more lymph nodes with a mastectomy or lumpectomy to stage the disease and determine liklihood of spread past the breast. My cancerous lymph node was definitely a solid lump rather than soft swelling but there are no guarantees. There is a small possibility of spread beyond the lymph nodes even when the nodes don't show any cancer. I didn't have any symptoms in other lymph nodes that did have cancer as well.

I hope this doesn't scare you. Chances are high that your mom will receive effective treatment and that her cancer was caught early. If not, then please remember there are many of us who have been fighting breast cancer for years and are still working, raising children, and living life with cancer.

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