Only 25 and I have Emphysema??!!!?!


Only 25 and I have Emphysema??!!!?

I recently was exposed to whooping cough. I went to the doctor, and she ordered a chest X-ray because my ribs were hurting. I just got a call back, and was told I have Emphysema, is this even possible if I am only 25??? My parents were smokers, and I have smoked for about 4 years, Please help!


It is practically unheard of to have emphysema at age 25 unless there is a genetic component. That genetic component is called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. There is a treatment for this. Both parents would have to be carriers for you to have this. Carriers rarely cause symptoms and have no idea they carry the defective gene. You can get emphysema with this without ever having smoked, just exposure to smoke and other irritants can cause lung damage if you have Alpha-1. If I were you I'd get a second opinion. You would need more than just an x-ray to get this kind of diagnosis. You need to have Pulmonary Function testing. After that if necessary then a chest ct scan might be next. Please get a second opinion. Don't always assume that a doctor is correct. If you go to a second doctor and there are still concerns they please ask for this testing. It is a simple blood draw. Make sure you tell them you want the gene type. For more information on
Alpha-1 you can go to these websites: - Alpha-1 Foundation - Alpha 1 Association - a good and informative website run by a woman with Alpha-1
These are great resources. You can also contace me directly at
Please don't get all upset until you get a second opinion. Lifes to short to worry about nothing. :)
Take Extra Good Care,

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