How can this be healed?!


How can this be healed?

My boyfriend has a disk in his lower back that's rubbing up against a nerve. He went to therapy today. How can this condition be healed and treated? Like, I know exercises can help, but does it treat it or what? How is it treated and healed?


Millions of people have it, I do. some people opt for physical therapy, some surgery (usually with little sucsess). sometimes, the disk may slip off the nerve easing the pain. is the pain radiading down his leg (siatica)? If it is, it can come and go for life. I know mine does, but surgery isnt a very good option, Ive heard of so many failed ones. I find water therapy the best (streching, swimming), and when possible strengthining of back muscles. If he has a good physical therapist it can help a lot. Ive had a few real good ones.
Good luck

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