Is it normal for my 3-month old to have a little blood in his poop?!


Is it normal for my 3-month old to have a little blood in his poop?

Usually my son poops like once a day and sometimes even skips a day. Since yesterday he has had like 10 bowel movements. They haven't been too liquidy, so I ruled out diharria. But just now after I changed him I noticed a little mucousy blood in his poop? Is this normal? Has anyone had this happen to their baby? He doesn't seem to be fussy or upset about it.


the same thing happened to my daughter, and being a first time parent, I freaked!
first of all, is the bloody mucus on the surface of the poop? or is it found inside or within it? (you may have to break it apart)

If its on the surface, it may not be a huge deal. Turns out my daughter was just constipated and the blood was a result of her bowels being too hard and trying to push them through.

When i first called the doctor's office, they didnt seem too concerned and i was told that it was a normal occurence in very young infants. If your baby doesnt have a fever or otherwised bothered with it, then there may be no cause for concern.
However, none of us here are doctors, you should still make the call and let them know whats going on so they can advise you what to do next.

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