What is a Left Temporal AVM?!

Question: What is a Left Temporal AVM?
I've just been told by my Consultant that I've suffered a 'Left Temporal AVM'... and I've been referred to a neurosurgeon consultant. can anyone please tell me what this means exactly, the implications and treatment ?.... I'm so worried.......
Also, would frequent exercise (Running, Spinning and Body Pump).. cause more damage


Its a venous (veins) malformation. You have probably had this since birth, it is a bunch of veins clustered and growing together. They come in different severity sizes etc.. so I can't give you an idea of the severity of yours. If it is very small they may just watch you and use drug therapies ...if it is bigger or has any bulges.. which could rupture then you will need surgery so they can remove the malformation. For now I really would take it easy so as not to raise your blood pressure just until after the neurological examination. It is to hard to give a better and more detailed description of what you could expect as I have not seen the report or any radiological films....try to take it easy there is nothing that you can do until you see the neurosurgeon. Take care and I wish you the best...the Docs have seen many of these and they will take care of you!!

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