What is your best weight loss advice?!

Question: 5'0 feet
195 pounds
BMI 39
How do you calulate calories in food and how much is normal intake

Answers: 5'0 feet
195 pounds
BMI 39
How do you calulate calories in food and how much is normal intake

Don't focus on calories, focus on how many nutrients are in the food you eat. Focus on eating fresh foods and lean protien like boiled egg whites and chicken breast. You shouldn't have to worry about calories if you're eating the right foods and paying more attention to giving your body nutrients. If you're watching your calories, read the labels and don't go below 1200 a day.

run intensely b4 eating

check out www.whfoods.com

My best advice is to visit a medical weight loss center, They are professional and will advise the proper diet and work out regiment that's bets for you, Keep in mind everyone has different needs. And the clowns here will do nothing but confuse you.

My best weight loss advice is to use Weight Watchers - it's not expensive, you eat regular food that you prepare (not prepackaged garbage) and they teach you portion control, which is effectively what you are asking. I've done the usual meeting thing and I've also done their online program and was successful with both approaches.

My other advice is to incorporate exercise into your program and make it part of your daily life. I always lose faster and it stays off better if I am working out regularly. Make it habit and find something you enjoy so you'll stick to it. A lot of people start out by walking; my favorites are riding my bike in nice weather and elliptical trainer when its not.

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