Belly fat....?!

Question: i have some belly fat .i can pitch an inch or 2 , any how should i do more cardio and get it slim or should i do sit afraid to do sit ups and but muscle on top of fat, will does that make any sense..please help... :o)

Answers: i have some belly fat .i can pitch an inch or 2 , any how should i do more cardio and get it slim or should i do sit afraid to do sit ups and but muscle on top of fat, will does that make any sense..please help... :o)

subcutaneous fat always sits on top of muscle. therefore situps will do NOTHING to help your case because by doing them you are only toning that muscle under the layer of fat NOT burning fat. in order to decrease body fat you should do cardio several times a week as well as eat a reduced calorie diet (1400-1800cal a day). the basic premise of fat loss is that you are expending more calories (energy) than you are eating. another option is adding a total body resistance routine to your exercise agenda. by building muscle you are speeding up your metabolism so you will burn fat all day round (even when you are sleeping!) rather than just when you are working out. consult a health/fitness magazine for ideas on how to put together a routine thats easy to do even in your very own home. best wishes:)

you first need to lose that fat throught cardio THEN you can do set ups to make it look firm.

an excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on a
stool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture, for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure that it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you will damage your back and spine!
Slowly move the upper part of your body back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times.
Every week add to the number of repetitions.
You will see the results in a week, guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six pack and muscles. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than these crunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results AT ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

there is a great way of tightening up your abs wout doing sit ups. put your arms flat on the floor or lay down put all your weight on your toes and arms and hold for 20 do this repeatedly for 4 counts 2 to 3 times a day and you'll start noticing a dif. but make sure your arms are at a 90 ddeg angle from your body

you need to combine both cardio and abdominal exercises because you will need to slim your entire body in order to see a change in your tummy because it is not possible to "spot reduce" meaning that you cannot tone your tummy without toning the rest of your body...good luck!!!


well i did kung jung mu sul, wich is a karate thing and i was not flexible, then after a year i was close to the splits, and i got tougher so i dont cry all the time, and i have a 2 pack, instead of a 6 pack!

Pilates.... It's great for slim, tone muscle... Sit ups can bulk up the muscle wich can be as unattractive as fat... Pilates are very easily talored for different difficulty levels and they aren't extremely tirings..... Great for people out of shape or that have asthma....

Google pilates and surf for a good page that show pictures....


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