Do you think these diet pills still work?!

Question: If they are coming out the other end seemingly still whole? I'm not joking--if you could see my face, you'd know that.

Answers: If they are coming out the other end seemingly still whole? I'm not joking--if you could see my face, you'd know that.

They are coming out whole because you put them in the wrong end. Those are suppositories, honey. Go ahead and load them in the right way now. Enjoy

No the only thing that really works is working out and eating right

No they are not. If they are in capsules, try biting the capsules open before swallowing them. If they are dry powder form, chew them up or dissolve them into a little water or drink and take them that way.

Anything that goes straight through your system like that has provided roughage and that's about it.

Yeah they ain't the best thing to take and it's rare you meet anyone who's had any success on them, other than the people who sell them.

20mins of easy to moderate cardio work twice/three times a week will do much more good.

Are you still fat? If so, then they are not working.

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