Am I fat? Seriously....the truth ok?!

Question: ok

age 12
weight 91
height 5'1

cheese sandwich


1 sandwich(baguette) + 2 slice cheese + 3 slice ham + 2 slice cucumber

+ 1 hour exercie
+ 2-3 cup of water

I feel like ive eaten the whole wolrd i feel sooo full! so that is why im asking? am i fat? I feel fat i eeat soo much! Although my friend keep saying i eat less!

Answers: ok

age 12
weight 91
height 5'1

cheese sandwich


1 sandwich(baguette) + 2 slice cheese + 3 slice ham + 2 slice cucumber

+ 1 hour exercie
+ 2-3 cup of water

I feel like ive eaten the whole wolrd i feel sooo full! so that is why im asking? am i fat? I feel fat i eeat soo much! Although my friend keep saying i eat less!

from the details you've given, i wouldn't say you are fat, you seem to be eating a well balanced healthy meal, keep it up, cos you're growing girl and you need it
i know at your age you tend to be really conscious about your weight but don't let that bother you, have fun and enjoy life instead of counting calories

no youre not fat. thats less than a normal person eats

that sounds like a healthy, well-balanced life to me!

no, seriously...and what you eat doesn't determine if you're fat or not. Everyone has a different metabolism.

you're 12 and way to young and petite to on here wondering if you're fat or not

No you are not fat at all. You're not eating anywhere near enough. You're a growing girl and you need to eat more (eat healthful foods, but way more of them).

Ok now this will sound really hard but its not just lay off the sodas and desserts oh And do these exercises

25-push ups and sit ups 2x a day

I went from 96lbs. to 74 lbs. in two weeks it works really good still eat JUST LAY OFF THE SODAS AND DRINK WATER AND ONLY ONE DESSERT A WEEK!!!!

and you will drop twenty-two pounds just like that!!!

That's actualy good.I don't know i don't think your fat.You probaly need more protien in your body for energy red meat,bone less chicken etc;

Seriously, you are 12!!! You do not need to focus on this sort of stuff. Stay away from candy and sugary sodas... but really you are just a kid!

No, your very healthy! I'm sure your NOT fat! Eating those things are healthy, not fat like...someone that eats fries everyday from when he/she was born.

For christ's fraking sake, YOU'RE ONLY 12!

Get a reality grip! You're not even remotely done growing yet!

Let your body finish building itself before you worry about shallow crap that will probably lead you to eating disorders.

No, based on your weight and height, you aren't fat. However, that's pretty obviously not why you posted this.

The focus of your post was on what you've eaten, your exercise and how you feel about what you've eaten, not your weight, measurements, or any other body part. You know that what you've eaten isn't a lot. You see normal people eat normal amounts of food and you know what that looks like.

Your post is trying to draw attention to your eating habits and your feelings. You're clearly in some sort of emotional distress and you want someone to notice and help you. You probably initially thought (consciously or subconsciously) that if you started eating very little or losing weight, someone in your family or your friends would HAVE to notice and realize that something isn't right. I guess it hasn't really happened yet, which is why you're posting on this site about it.

Your post is a pretty classic "cry for help." You should see a psychologist, who can help you with whatever it is you need help with. Since you're 12, you probably need your parents to OK that, but you might not feel like you can ask your parents about it. If that's the case, ask someone at school if you can talk to a social worker or guidance counselor. Tell them you think you need to see a psychologist but that you're afraid to tell your parents. The guidance counselor or social worker will talk to your parents and help get the whole thing set up.

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