Not hungry all day, only at night?!

Question: I usually don't even eat until 4 or 5pm and then by 9pm I HAVE to snack off and on until 12am when I go to bed. Why is this? Even when I make myself eat breakfast and lunch I still get the munchies by 9. I wanted to try to eat earlier in the day and then not eat anything after 7pm but it just isn't working for me. It's like..backfiring. I end up eating even more calories in the long run. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, maybe 5-10 lbs mostly just want a flatter stomach but I think I am sabotaging myself by eating so late. Water doesn't help either.

Answers: I usually don't even eat until 4 or 5pm and then by 9pm I HAVE to snack off and on until 12am when I go to bed. Why is this? Even when I make myself eat breakfast and lunch I still get the munchies by 9. I wanted to try to eat earlier in the day and then not eat anything after 7pm but it just isn't working for me. It's like..backfiring. I end up eating even more calories in the long run. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, maybe 5-10 lbs mostly just want a flatter stomach but I think I am sabotaging myself by eating so late. Water doesn't help either.

your body works the way you trained it. you've been eating late for so long it adjusted and now expects you to feed it later at night.
you just have to break out of the cycle, i understand that it is hard but you could try having a small supper, then brushing your teeth right away, and if you get really hungry drink water and just go to bed. when you're sleeping you can hardly be eating at the same time. ;)
hopefully this helps, that's what i did during the summer and i managed to totally readjust my hunger pangs. so good luck, just keep up the hard work it will pay off in the long run.

its the way you sleep and work. change some of your times around.

Sounds like you're a vampire. Try drinking human blood.

trie eating peanut butter, (not that much) sometimes it will fill you up quite a bit

Change you body clock. You body is telling you it's hungry at night, because for the last little while that's when you've been feeding it. try not eating that night and wait until the next day. You might have to go hungry but in a few days you body clock will switch. good luck.

4 pm is too early to eat, you should try eating later at night...metabolism may also play a role

go see a doctor...... you never know wat u have

Have a good quality protein shake instead of food. You can do this again later on in the evening. It's good for your body, nutritious but won't make your body "wake up" with needing to eat. It should satisfy the need to feel full and feed your body without stimulating you. Plus it's easier to fix and less stimulating than standing making sandwiches or whatever.

I have the same problem! I don't know why this is though. I need to look at these answers! 8)

I am the same way. I am not hungry, and don't have an appetite normally until I eat for the first time each day. I end up eating too many calories at night.
If you look up eating at night being bad, there's a lot of articles saying that's a myth. They say people shouldn't eat at night only because they're more likely to make a bad choice and eat more.
This week I am trying mostly eating at night. Eating 400-500 calories during the day. I honestly think it's a comfort thing, I can enjoy my food a lot more, relaxed at home.

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