How to make your posture better?!

Question: I tend to slouch a bit most of the time...... some tips to better your posture.....

Answers: I tend to slouch a bit most of the time...... some tips to better your posture.....

what causes a bad back?..not having the right muscles...

for example...your spine is like a glass and the muscles in your back is the wrapping...that keeps it from being broken or not straight...if you have strong back muscles it will help your posture and will keep you from having back problems in the long excersice to get a strong back..and throw your shoulders back everytime you walk,stand or sit...

When you are sitting in a chair just simply sit with your back upright.

Ballet is EXCELLENT for posture. You'll end up doing it automatically once you've started ballet, and look inches taller and slimmer

YOGA the best

shoulder blades should touch each other and your chest should stick out like pointing your breasts towards the sky!! Using a book on top of your head always helps for practice...

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