How many calories does an average built man need per day?!

Question: About 2500 but it verys from guy to guy and also depends on how much exercise you get a day.

Answers: About 2500 but it verys from guy to guy and also depends on how much exercise you get a day.

325-pound man said he had been eating 4500 calories per day.
117-pound 5'3 woman says she eats 1350 a day to maintain.
242-pound woman said she had been eating 3500 calores per day.
175-pound 6' man, who works out, says he eats 2750 per day.
that must xplain something!

2500 i think

Go to mens
I usually eat every three hours during the day but not fatty stuff
I usually eat lots of fruit and baked chicken salmon and such
and peanut butter mmmmmmmmmm and im keeping my hard earned muscle bro!

It depends on if and how hard you work or work out. Personally I consume from 3000 to 4000 a day but I am a concrete Mason and lay blocks. many of my calories are in the form of a full spectrum of amino acids supplement it is billed as a weight gain product. I am 66 years old and weigh in at between 190 and 195, with very little body fat so my metabolism is very high

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